Product Mastery Now for Product Managers, Leaders, and Innovators

Product Mastery Now for Product Managers, Leaders, and Innovators

Latest Episodes

TEI 289: Become an agile leader of product management – with Roman Pichler
June 29, 2020

Learn the qualities of a successful product manager and leader. Part of the path to becoming a product master is developing as a leader. Leaders of product management need agility, influence, trust, empathy, and motivating vision. And,

TEI 289: Become an agile leader of product management – with Roman Pichler
June 29, 2020

Learn the qualities of a successful product manager and leader. Part of the path to becoming a product master is developing as a leader. Leaders of product management need agility, influence, trust, e

TEI 288: Design sprints for product managers – with John Zeratsky
June 22, 2020

The recipe for rapid product design for product managers A Design Sprint is how you can solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days. That is also the subtitle of the groundbreaking book ca

TEI 288: Design sprints for product managers – with John Zeratsky
June 22, 2020

The recipe for rapid product design for product managers A Design Sprint is how you can solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days. That is also the subtitle of the groundbreaking book called Sprint.

TEI 287: How an insight became a lip balm for speakers – with Ginger King
June 15, 2020

What product managers can learn from the story of a beauty product There is much to learn from a good product story; how an insight leads to an idea, which becomes a product concept and grows into a b

TEI 287: How an insight became a lip balm for speakers – with Ginger King
June 15, 2020

What product managers can learn from the story of a beauty product There is much to learn from a good product story; how an insight leads to an idea, which becomes a product concept and grows into a business case resulting in developing a new product t...

TEI 286: Get the 5-step process that is changing how innovation works in organizations across the world – with Pete Newell
June 08, 2020

How product managers can lead innovation and help transform their organization My guest is changing how companies innovate and he is doing it with a 5-step process. You’ll hear the details in the disc

TEI 286: Get the 5-step process that is changing how innovation works in organizations across the world – with Pete Newell
June 08, 2020

How product managers can lead innovation and help transform their organization My guest is changing how companies innovate and he is doing it with a 5-step process. You’ll hear the details in the discussion, but the five steps are called: sourcing,

TEI 285: What video storytelling can teach product managers – with Patrick Shelton
June 01, 2020

How video directors think about creating effective videos can help product managers create better products Some of the best product management lessons come from unexpected places, and I enjoy finding

TEI 285: What video storytelling can teach product managers – with Patrick Shelton
June 01, 2020

How video directors think about creating effective videos can help product managers create better products Some of the best product management lessons come from unexpected places, and I enjoy finding them. This interview is a perfect example.