Podcast | The Culture Mastery

Podcast | The Culture Mastery

Busting the Myth of “Normal” [The Culture Guy Podcast]

October 18, 2018

Dave Kerpen: “No one I know grew up feeling ‘normal'”
Those of you who have ever worked with The Culture Mastery or who have experienced me on a stage or in a training room know this: In our work the concept of “normal” usually comes with quotation marks. “Normal” is an arbitrary concept because what’s normal for one culture may be everything but for another. So when I heard that Dave Kerpen, the founder of Likeable Local and Likeable Media, the author of four best-selling books, the LinkedIn Influencer and Inc.com contributor, was about to publish a new book by the title of “Normal” I naturally wanted to take a closer look.
Now, it should be noted that I have been following Dave online for quite a while, mainly because of the quality content he produces. Then, about four years ago, we met in real life under the most random circumstances. You’ll have to listen to this episode to find out the specifics. In his upcoming book Dave approaches the idea of “normal” with young people in mind:
“It’s the story of four 12-year-olds living in New York City, each of whom thinks that their family isn’t normal, and longs for a better life. Sixth grade is a major struggle for each of the four kids in their respective schools, and at home. However, through a variety of different paths, they all end up meeting at a new school.
“Thanks to a very special teacher, their lives change forever. For 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th graders and their parents and teachers, Normal is a compelling character-driven tale of growing up feeling like you’re alone and different, and coming to realize that you’re neither. It’s full of laughs, tears, and an ending you’ll never forget.”
To pre-order “Normal” please visit the Publishizer Page where you’ll find various options to get the book.
If you want to connect with Dave and find out about his work, there are plenty of avenues to do so: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and his website.

Do you have feedback for The Culture Guy, Questions, Comments?
Listener feedback for The Culture Guy Podcast continues to be excellent and we encourage you to keep sending us your input for future episodes:

* What are your tips and tricks for cultural adjustment?
* What were some of your most memorable “cultural fool moments”?
* Which topics would you like to hear discussed on future podcast episodes?

To send in your feedback for the show, please email Christian and use our social media outlets: The Culture Mastery Facebook Page, the