The Conservative Horn

The Conservative Horn

Latest Episodes

TCH S2 E3 Home Act Joe Lied Suburbs Died
February 14, 2022

Surprise! Biden lied during the campaign when Trump exposed Biden’s plan to change zoning laws to build projects in the suburbs. Immediately following the election, Biden authorized the “Home Act” whi

TCH S2 E2 Taxes Centralized Fed Control
February 07, 2022

Taxes Centralized Marxist redistribution: The over 40 corporate, domestic, and capital gains taxes included in the massive Build Back Better reconciliation bill will not pay for the Progressives’ more

January 29, 2022

The disastrous return of progressivism: Judicial Watch recently uncovered documents confirming that the progressive corporate media pressured the Capitol Police not to reveal that an aneurism was the

TCH S1 E7 Big Government vs Little Government
October 17, 2020

Ocasio-Cortez isn’t alone in progressive totalitarianism: Sen. Warren wants to roll back tax cuts and impose a wealth tax similar to King George III’s 1776 Stamp Act that helped trigger our Revolution

Download Progressive Ruling Class Applications
October 15, 2020


Download Progressive Crimes Go Unpunished
October 07, 2020


download Preaching Progressives Project
September 26, 2020


Download TCH S1 E3 20th Century Progressive Founders
September 16, 2020

De-Program-Ch.-1-3Download Cloward and Piven, Saul Alinsky, Herbert Marcuse (Repressive Tolerance), George Soros, The progressive dirty bomb coronavirus.

Download TCH S1 E2 The Progressive Playbook 101
September 04, 2020

Principles and guidelines, political correctness, identity politics, multiculturalism, concept creep, and hate speech. De-Program-Ch.-1-2Download

TCH S1 E1 Equality or Individual Liberty
August 11, 2020

A primer to progressivism- history, strategies, rules, and applications. The debate: The French revolutions social justice, redistribution, and economic equality vs American independence and Adam Smith's free market principles.