The Conservative Horn

The Conservative Horn

Latest Episodes

TCH S3 E4 Fascionomics
September 15, 2022

Bidens poor economy is not Putins fault, it is the fault of Biden and the Progressives radical, socialist, fascist policies: their modern monetary theory, welfare state expansion, excessive governm

TCH S3 E3 Railroading RINO’s
September 12, 2022

Welcome aboard the RINOs railroading express. RINOs wont go after Hunters laptop that reveals, among other things, his and Joes corrupt dealings with China, Ukraine, Romania, and Mexico. They won

TCH S3 E2 Progressives Projecting Fascism Domestic
September 07, 2022

Progressives use fascism to instill fear, control and destroy our free society. Aristocracies must eliminate free thought, free markets, constitutional laws, institutions, and civil liberties. While c

TCH S3 E1 Progressive Projecting Fascism Corporate & Global
September 05, 2022

Biden, Morning Joe, and the Progressives claim the MAGA movement is fascist and the most extreme and dangerous political organization in America today. No, that would be the Biden administration and t

TCH S2 E9 Afghan Refugees
March 29, 2022

Afghan Refugees Biden NGOs: Theyre back: the four terrorists Obama released in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl. After Obama claimed they were no longer a threat, theyre now running Afghanistan f

TCH S2 E8 Illegal Immigration
March 23, 2022

Illegal Immigration undocumented progressive voters: Progressive ruling class policies and/or non-policies have caused the recent massive surge in U.S illegal border crossings. Progressives have obstr

TCH S2 E7 The Green New Deal
March 11, 2022

progressive climate change hypocrisy.: In his State of the Union address, Biden again accidentally told the truth, saying that the U.S. accounts for 15% of global carbon admissions while the rest of t

TCH S2 E6 Covid
March 10, 2022

covid therapeutics vaccines corruption: Page 168 of the Reconciliation bill gives the federal government the power to bankrupt any company that refuses to comply with Bidens vaccine mandate. It empow

TCH S2 E5 The Pro Act Unions
March 01, 2022

Progressive Pro-Act forced unionization: To bolster their one-party rule prospects, the progressive pigs are sneaking the PRO Act (the Protecting the Right to Organize Act) in the Build Back Better re

TCH S2 E4 For The People Act
February 22, 2022

Voter fraud: Their titles even ring Marxist. To stay in power and out of prison, the Progressives are desperate to rush the For the People Act through before the next election. Americans are waking up