The Art of Semi-Fiction

The Art of Semi-Fiction

Latest Episodes

Episode 24: More Tips for Tighter, More Powerful, Writing
July 31, 2019

In which Robynne and Jane continuing their conversation on how to really tighten your writing until it’s strong, powerful, and compelling. When last we left the Dynamic Duo, they had already given a great set of tips. But, you know what?

Episode 23: Tips for Tighter, More Powerful Writing
July 18, 2019

In which Robynne and Jane talk about how to make your writing as tight, clean, focused and powerful as possible. Jane admits that she writes pretty minimalistic out of the gate, but even then, can benefit from an intentional attempt to write with effic...

Episode 22: Do I Need an Agent?
July 10, 2019

In which Jane and Robynne answer the burning question most writers ask at some point: do I need an agent? It’s actually not as simple as you think to make this decision, and it’s even less simple to choose the RIGHT agent.

Episode 21: Four Common Mistakes Writers Make
June 26, 2019

In which Robynne and Jane talk, funnily enough, about some of the common mistakes writers make, especially new(ish) ones. Although most of what they talk about applies to all writers, they go a little deeper with Christian writers with the first mistak...

Episode 20: What is S.E.T.T.? And Why is it Important?
June 19, 2019

In which Jane ushers us into the inner sanctum of craft. First, she tests Robynne about the five senses needed in our rich fiction and creative/narrative nonfiction. Thankfully, Robynne remembered all five (note the non-hesitation when she rattled them...

Episode 19: Four Ways to Make Sure You DON’T Get Published
June 12, 2019

In which Robynne and Jane become super jocular (they clearly crack themselves up) as they turn one of the most asked questions in writing (How can I get published??) on its head. Here, the dynamic duo opts to unpack the four top ways NOT to get publish...

Episode 18: The Benefits of Journaling
June 05, 2019

In which Jane dives into one of her very favorite topics: The benefits of keeping a journal. Why keep a journal? There are so many reasons … to evaluate and examine big events … to process huge emotional episodes … to generate ideas … prayer requests …...

Episode 17: Writing Conferences 101
May 29, 2019

In which Robynne waxes poetic on one of her favorite topics: Writing Conferences. She firmly believes that writing is a team event, NOT a solo sport. So, she’s particularly passionate about this topic. Northern California has a particularly rich litera...

Episode 16: Brainstorming—Dreams, Visions, and Headlines
May 22, 2019

In which Jane tackles the tricky subject of figuring out unique ways to get your creative juices flowing when you’ve finished a project and need a new direction, hit a literary wall, or are suffering from a bad case of writer’s block. So,

Episode 15: The Value of Critique Groups—The One Big Thing (Part 2)
May 15, 2019

In which Robynne and Jane further their discussion about different kinds of writing groups. This time, however, they hone specifically in on critique groups. Robynne makes the VERY bold declaration that if she had to choose between BEING critiqued and ...