The Art of Semi-Fiction

The Art of Semi-Fiction

Latest Episodes

Episode 34: Tropes, Clichés, Stereotypes, and Archetypes (Part 2)
April 23, 2020

In which Robynne and Jane continue their three-part series on tropes, clichés, stereotypes, and archetypes. In this second part, you’ll learn seven ways to avoid these ominous obstacles to accomplished authorship.

Episode 33: Tropes, Clichés, Stereotypes, and Archetypes (Part 1)
March 25, 2020

In which Robynne and Jane dive into a three-part series on tropes, clichés, stereotypes, and archetypes. In this first part, you’ll get everything from detailed definitions to the pitfalls associated with these four nemeses of good writing. Intrigued?

Episode 32: Can I Write Both Fiction and Nonfiction?
March 14, 2020

In which Jane asks the burning question: can I write both fiction and nonfiction? On the way to answering that question, Jane talks about how it’s often expected that writers pick one lane and stick with it,

Episode 31: Should I Be Writing Memoir?
February 21, 2020

In which Robynne and Jane discuss the ever-interesting and wildly popular topic of Memoir. Robynne points out the vast changes the last ten years have seen in the definition and popularity of memoir, as well as the specs and inherent marketability.

Episode 30: Self-Editing (Part 2)
September 19, 2019

In which Robynne and Jane continue the conversation on Self-Editing. Jane’s already decided she now likes the thought of self-editing. But by the end of the episode, she absolutely loves it. Why? Because it’s easy AND effective. This go-round,

Episode 29: Self-Editing (Part 1)
September 13, 2019

In which Robynne and Jane delve into the incredibly important, yet often misunderstood topic of Self-Editing. It’s such a large and important topic, however, that this is only Part 1 of a two-part series. And even then, the subject is not exhausted.

Episode 28: Jealousy and Envy
August 29, 2019

In which Jane and Robynne pull up their big girl britches and dive into the prickly subject of being envious of our fellow writers. Robynne reluctantly admits that, yes, in a way, she’s experienced moments of jealousy. In her defense, however,

Episode 27: How to Create Compelling Characters
August 22, 2019

In which Robynne and Jane talk about creating complex, compelling characters. And before you nonfiction writers tune out. This isn’t just for fiction writers … or for memoirists and narrative nonfiction writers.

Episode 26: Why Do You Write?
August 15, 2019

In which Jane and Robynne explore the many reasons for writing at all. Jane opens with a question to Robynne: Why do YOU write. As usual, Robynne’s answer is a little unorthodox … it’s a combination of many, many things,

Episode 25: Increasing Stakes
August 08, 2019

In which Robynne and Jane dive into the many ways to increase the stakes of your fiction or narrative nonfiction. Creating some sort of tension is imperative to grab your readers attention (and keep