The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast

The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast

Latest Episodes

681 I Make The Most Of My Time By First Respecting Time - Jan 2021 Week 1
January 04, 2021

If you find yourself continually stuck in the pattern of wishing for a better year than the last… there’s a reason for that, and it’s counterintuitive to what you think. In this podcast, I am going to go over the 3 ways to make this year a...

680 The Greatest Depths I Travel To Are Those Within Myself - December 2020 Week 3
December 20, 2020

What is the one crucial thing you are missing from your daily routine? Join me and find out how you can begin thinking, acting, and living your days more efficiently. Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: (You can also get...

679 There Is Something More Going On Here - December 2020 Week 2
December 14, 2020

Are coincidences really coincidences or something more? In this episode, I speak of a recent set of coincidences, and I examine how our perception of what happens to us during these times can either be helpful or harmful in our self-development. So...

678 I Control My Destiny REPLAY - December 2020 Week 1 Affirmation
December 07, 2020

Do you know why failure is easy? It's not because it's in our DNA, or because we can't do's because we have decided to know failure. We have opened our door to the so called demons and blame them for our misfortune...when only one...

677 Gratitude Is My Default Attitude - November 2020 Week 4
November 23, 2020

You are not struggling during this pandemic…you are struggling to see what this pandemic means to you. It's Thanksgiving this week, and I never talk about appreciation or gratitude since it's so overdone around this time, but I thought this was a...

676 I Determine My Own Worth REPLAY - November 2020 Week 3
November 16, 2020

Is your worth tied too much to other people's opinions? During these harder times, it's so easy to blame other people for our struggles and stresses. It's easy to get angry, stressed, or upset and put the responsibility upon others as we say THEY made...

675 Every Day Is Another Chance To Enjoy My Life - November 2020 Week 2
November 09, 2020

Join me this month for the 7 Habits of Serenity Challenge. I have created a PDF checklist to use every day to create more peace, serenity, and most importantly--helping you get closer to the person you want to be. It's free for you as a gift for being...

674 The Only Judging I Do Is Judging Who I Want To Be - November 2020 Week 1
November 02, 2020

What if the fear that has kept you from doing what you truly want wasn’t what you thought it was? What if it was just a misunderstanding in your decision-making process? In this podcast, I talk about behavior change through The Stages of Change, and...

673 I Am Passionately Curious REPLAY - October 2020 Week 3
October 19, 2020

With the election in the U.S. coming up, I figured it would be a great time to talk about kindness, about hearing and listening to others, and celebrating our experiences together instead of fighting each other on our ideas of right or wrong. How well...

672 I Choose To Be Bigger Than The Problem REPLAY - October 2020 Week 2
October 12, 2020

When you become a Patreon supporter you will get extra bonuses on how to integrate the life goals I am discussing each week into your life. In this week's extra bonus for supporters, I talk about avoiding the "war" by having a gameplan. (link below on...