The Smarter Artist

The Smarter Artist

Latest Episodes

SA327 Why New Year’s Resolutions Suck
December 30, 2016

This episode brings an end to our series of Writer’s Resolutions. They haven’t been typical resolutions; we’ve tried to provide immediately actionable ideas that will help you be a better writer. Maybe you haven’t been a fan of resolutions in the past,...

December 29, 2016

We’re at day four in our series of 5 Writer’s Resolutions that aren’t your typical resolutions. These are immediately actionable, things you can do today that can, if you actually DO them, change your 2017. Today’s resolution isn’t surprising,

SA325 Delete That Old Story
December 28, 2016

This is day three in a series of 5 Writer’s Resolutions that aren’t your typical resolutions. These are immediately actionable, things you can do today that can, if you actually DO them, change your 2017. Most artists have this ONE THING that keeps the...

SA324 Take 50 to 100 Dollars and Spend it on Building Your List instead of Coffee
December 27, 2016

Today is the second  in a series of 5 Writer’s Resolutions that aren’t your typical resolutions. These are immediately actionable, things you can do today that can, if you actually DO them, change your 2017. Johnny’s up next,

SA323 Call a Relative and Listen to Their Stories
December 26, 2016

Today begins the first in a series of 5 Writer’s Resolutions that aren’t your typical resolutions. These are immediately actionable, things you can do today that can, if you actually DO them, change your 2017. We’ll start with Sean,

SA322 Use Answers to Write More Questions
December 23, 2016

Whenever you’re working out pre-production on your books, you start to ask a lot of questions. Naturally, you answer the questions with your narrative, but today, Johnny talks about how to use those answers to ask even more questions.

SA321 What If I’m Not Confident?
December 22, 2016

Confidence, or the lack thereof, is something that plagues a lot of artists. Today Dave talks about why you probably should lack confidence, at least in the beginning. Confidence is earned, it’s something you gain with experience.

SA320 There Is No Perfect Path
December 21, 2016

Many artists spend a lot of time focusing on perfection. Whether it’s the perfect work of art, the perfect process to achieve it, and many more granular considerations, it all turns out to be a waste of time.

SA319 Why Your Characters Need Opinions
December 20, 2016

Your opinions form who you are; the same is true of your characters. Today, Sean talks about why you need to create characters that are decisive, opinionated, and driven. Your character can even have unpopular opinions; it’s better to have an unlikable...

SA318 Is Writing an Art or a Skill?
December 19, 2016

The short answer is both – writing is both an art and a skill. If you’re going to be great, you need to make use of both your natural talent and the craft pieces you can improve. Today, Dave talks about his creations,