The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

Latest Episodes

Golden Showers Bring May Flowers
April 27, 2015

Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays

Adding Toys to Your Toolbox
April 20, 2015

As a kid did you ever like getting new toys and seeing what they could do?  How much fun was it to get the new toy and explore with it?  Has your body been asking for toys that are fun for it?  We will explore some history on sex toys and explore how m

Cheater, Cheater, Pants on Fire
April 13, 2015

How many points of view do you have that monogamy is the only and right way? How many points of view do you have about the monogamy not working? Monogamy and Polygamy, what else is possible, and what if there is not right or wrong?  Would you like to com

Receiving the Sex and Money You Desire
April 06, 2015

How much money and sex are you willing to receive? More or less than what you have now? Would you like to know more about receiving the sex and money you desire? The Pleasure Zone is pleased to play with some clearings, tips and tools on that! http://www.

Being the CEO of Your Sexual Reality!
March 30, 2015

Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays

Loving The Gender You Are In! with Milica Jelenic
March 23, 2015

What if your the gender you are in could be a contribution to your life and living? What if making gender less relevant or irrelevant would contribute to greater possibilities for you? What can the gender you are in do for you and what can you do for it?

Sex and Relationships with Guest Susan Lazar-Hart
March 09, 2015

Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays

What Is Your Right Body? with Guest Donnielle Carter
March 02, 2015

Have you ever had a moment in your life where you were totally at ease with your body? Would you like to have more of that? Would you like to have that more than just for a moment? What if you could have greater ease with your body? Come and find out what

Slavery, what Slavery?
February 23, 2015

Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays

“Are you willing to make money your slave?” With co-host Lorrie Scott
February 16, 2015

Do you use money as an excuse to not choose more pleasure in your life? Have you made yourself a slave to money? Are your choices from a place of lack? What if money could work for you? Would money also like to contribute pleasure to you?