The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

Latest Episodes

What’s your Power Play? with Milica Jelenic
July 06, 2015

Do you often try and make yourself smaller than to get what you desire, is that working for you? OR do you try and make yourself more significant than your lover? Join Milica Jelenic on this fascinating subject to see what can change in your relationships

The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic
June 29, 2015

Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays

Mad About Sex! Milica Jelenic with Guest Julia Sotas
June 22, 2015

Do you ever choose to get in a fight with someone just because you love the intensity of make-up sex? Have you been angry at lovers and used that spring you into action and creation of your life? What is it about intensity and copulation that you love? Jo

I Just Can’t Get Enough! with Milica Jelenic
June 15, 2015

In this show Milica Jelenic will be exploring sex addiction and nymphomania. Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica

Totally Different Pregnancy, Birthing and Parenting
June 08, 2015

Have you shut off your pleasure zone and blamed it on “the kids”? Have you bought the idea that if you have children your life is over, or it is the only thing that will fulfill you? Have you bought the lies of what the experts tell you that parenting

Are You Enjoying Your Life as an Ice Cream? Guest Daria Hanson
June 01, 2015

Would life be more fun, delicious and nutritious if you were choosing to enjoy you as the ice creamy yumminess you truly be?  Have you ever really licked an ice cream and it turned every cell of your body on orgasmically?  Would you be willing to receiv

Sexualness: Intimidating or Inviting? Guest Natalie Krishna
May 25, 2015

When you see someone you find attractive do you expand your being to be the sexiness you be or do you contract and resent that you are not like them? What if you didn’t have to judge you for not measuring up to what others say is sexy? What if you had s

Being Bodacious and Balkan with Guest Vladica Djordjevic
May 18, 2015

What if you are aware of people that are 8,000 miles away? What if you can tap into the energy of anything from anywhere and have a knowing about it? Would you be willing to be bodacious? Join Milica Jelenic and her Guest Vladica Djordjevic as they discus

From Refraction To Everlasting with Guest Alex Mei
May 11, 2015

What if there is no coming down from an orgasm? What if your life and body could expand it and continue to choose it? What would your life be like if your orgasm and the energy of orgasm contributed to your whole life, not just your sex life? http://www.m

Pleasure of Really Living with Guest Donna Porteous
May 04, 2015

What if you created your life from total adventure and out of definition? That is what this week’s guest is choosing.  Come and find out what she is creating as her life and the what sparked her to choose more….and more!