The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

Latest Episodes

“What was that promise that you made?” (Inspired by lyrics from Jim Morrison)
December 07, 2015

How many things have we promised ourselves or others that are now limiting us from choosing what we truly desire? Have you promised to never flirt with others, to kiss a handsome stranger, to get naked and run down the street? Have you promised all these

Relationships That Work For You! Guests Julia Sotas & Anthony Mattis
November 30, 2015

What if relationships are about choice, and creation, and what works for you? Would you like some tips and tools for creating the relationship that works for you? Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients

How To Pleasure A Unicorn
November 23, 2015

How do you know if you are a Unicorn? Is pleasuring a Unicorn different than pleasuring other species? What if you are a unicorn and require something totally different for pleasure and didn’t know it? What excites you and keeps you going as a Unicorn?

Pleasure, Magic and Possibilities ~ Guest ~ Alun Jones
November 16, 2015

Is being the magic you truly be part of pleasure? Are there greater possibilities available to you when you be the magic you be and radiate pleasure to the world? Would you and your body like to receive more pleasure, magic and possibilities? So happy to

Love, Lust and Gratitude ~ Guest Christine McIver
November 09, 2015

How do you know if it is love, or lust or gratitude? Which one creates more in relationship with everything? Join Milica Jelenic and her guest Christine McIver this week as they dive into yet another amazing and pleasurable topic that will contribute to y

No ~ Milica Jelenic
November 02, 2015

When someone says “No” to you, what does it create in your Universe? Do you ever desire receiving a “No”? What if “No” is not a rejection? What if “No” is not creating separation? What if “No” is a choice? When did you stop exercising

The pleasure of showing up as the total, brilliant, sexy you? Guest – Carol Reinlie
October 26, 2015

Do you remember the last time you showed up as the brilliant sexy you? Did you stop buses on the street? Did dogs stop and stare at you? How much pleasure is there in showing up, as the total brilliant, sexy you?  What if you being you, is so sexy it con

When I Get That Feeling, I want Sexual Healing ~ Guest Christel Crawford
October 19, 2015

Does your body ever have that urge to contribute sexual energy to someone or something? Do you ever have the craving to receive like crazy? Do you ever get that maybe you are not a weirdo in the sack? What if you have capacities that way more unique and a

Thank You For The Oral Sex ~ Guest Melanie Clampit
October 12, 2015

One of my favorite things to do with my lover is to be grateful. I love being thanked for gifting pleasure, and love to also be grateful for gifting. Now here’s my most fun one, I really enjoy saying “Thank You for allowing me to give you a blow job!

Can Sex Be Peaceful and Calm and Also Fun?
October 05, 2015

How many stories have you told or heard about the greatest sex ever being the loudest, sweatiest event ever? What if your body would like to try something different? Is it possible to have delicious, beautiful copulation and be peaceful and calm? http://w