The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

Latest Episodes

What’s Your Sexual Appetite?
February 29, 2016

Am I making you hungry? Do you sometimes think no one can possibly be hornier than you? Are you someone who thinks you have no sex drive at all, or that the “perfect circumstances” are required to get turned on? Join Milica Feb. 29th to play with and

Compromise…Is It A Silent Killer?
February 22, 2016

Have you been told you have to compromise in a relationship to make it work? Have you been told you are too stubborn? Have you made yourself totally wrong for being you? Tonight on the Pleasure Zone we will be exploring “Compromise”…Is It A Silent K

Secret Hidden Pleasure Zones ~ Milica Jelenic
February 15, 2016

Do you have undiscovered pleasure zones in your body? Would you like a map to find them? Would you like a map of others Pleasure Zones? What if you could reveal your secret hidden pleasure zones, stop hiding them, and allow yourself to receive greater ple

How To Get Your Lover To Keep Cumming Back ~ Milica Jelenic
February 08, 2016

Do you want to learn some new possibilities with getting your lover to keep cumming back? Join Milica Jelenic has she brings her brilliance, awareness, and lightness to this topic and much more! Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her priv

Man-ipulation or Masturbation…that is the question? ~ Milica Jelenic
February 01, 2016

Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays

Championship SEX ~ Milica Jelenic
January 25, 2016

Are you ready to rumble?  Oh, wait this isn’t about wrestling, or is it? This reality creates so much competition in it that there are even competitions for things sex related. Find out more about championship titles and world records  for things to d

Being Fiercely Sexy ~ Guest Rhonda Burns
January 11, 2016

Are you willing to be so fiercely you all the time that you are a walking, talking sex bomb?  Would it be fun to have some tools that would allow you step into that with total ease? What if being fierce is fun? Join Rhonda Burns as Guest on the Pleasure

Insignificant Sex ~ Milica Jelenic
January 04, 2016

Where have you made sex more significant than you? Are you a crotch-tripper, heart tripper, or head tripper of magnitude? What if sex and copulation could be fun and playful? Insignificant sex with your insignificant playmate….sounds crazy doesn’t it,

Sex Rites and Rituals from Around The World
December 28, 2015

Have you ever wondered what sex is like in different parts of the world?  Not just the idea of doing it on a beach in Fiji; more like what beliefs, rites and rituals have people around the world used historically and which ones do we still have traces of

Temptation ~ Milica Jelenic
December 21, 2015

Are you giving into temptation? Is temptation a distraction or a contribution to greater for you? What tempts you? Join Milica this week as she discusses temptation and all things pleasurable. Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her privat