The Money Advantage Podcast

The Money Advantage Podcast

The 401k Alternative You Deserve to Know About – A Client’s Story, Chuck Fahs

September 16, 2019

In today’s show, we have a “fireside chat” with a client who is using Privatized Banking to invest in real estate. Here’s a real-life example of using Privatized Banking as a 401k alternative.  Why?  To gain control, build wealth, and create protection for his family along the way.

Where Does Privatized Banking Fit into the Cash Flow System?

Privatized Banking is one of the most important parts of your entire Cash Flow System.  However, it’s just one step in the bigger journey to time and money freedom.  You need all the pieces in place to produce wealth systematically.

That's why we have created the 3-step Business Owner's Cash Flow System. It's your roadmap to take you from just surviving, to a life of significance, purpose, and financial freedom.

The first stage is the foundation. You keep more of the money you make by fixing money leaks, becoming more efficient and profitable. Then, you protect your money with insurance and legal protection. Finally, you put your money to work, increasing your income with cash-flowing assets.

Before using a 401k alternative

Chuck Fahs describes himself as an “Average Joe,” a “normal person.”  He’s a mid-level exec in the packaging business.  At 58 years old, he's been married for the last 34 years, and has three adult sons and two grandchildren. 

Before he learned about Privatized Banking as a 401k alternative, there were a few things that were important to Chuck.  He wanted to get the boys through college with minimal to no debt and have great family vacations to experience the joys that life has to offer. 

He accomplished both goals.

Other than that, he just put away as much as he could and hoped to have enough when he wanted to retire. 

To that end, Chuck had a good foundation of savings habits.  He was a disciplined saver throughout his working career. 

The tool he knew to use to accomplish this was the 401(k), so that became his plan for his future.  He was dedicated, contributing to his 401(k) for most of his life, and even prided himself in never dipping into it along the way.

Introduction to a 401k alternative

As he was pursuing setting up a trust, Chuck was introduced to the Infinite Banking concept.  It was intriguing to him, but he wanted to know more.

Because Chuck has always been a learner, pursuing knowledge and education to make the best decisions, he doesn’t make big decisions on a whim.

The way he saw it, he was going to put his money into equities through his 401k or into Privatized Banking.  If he was going to make a change from what he was already doing, he needed a good reason.

He proceeded to do extensive research to understand more.  He read Nelson Nash's book, Becoming Your Own Banker,