The Money Advantage Podcast

The Money Advantage Podcast

Don’t Be a “Rugged Individualist” – Delegate! (Reviewed)

October 08, 2018

As entrepreneurs building growing businesses, it often becomes necessary to transform ourselves. Innovation requires shedding our old thought patterns and ways of operating, so we can embrace new ones that serve us better.  Dan Sullivan, of Strategic Coach, outlines this phenomenon in his growth-provoking article, Don’t Be a “Rugged Individualist” – Delegate!

He contrasts two ways of being. As fledgling entrepreneurs, we embody the tenacity and grit of “rugged individualist.”  Perhaps initially we can’t afford to hire out.  We resort to doing everything ourselves, from marketing, sales, technical expertise, service, managing, hiring, training, picking up supplies, cleaning the bathrooms, etc.  But as we expand, this individualism can quickly become stunting, and downright ridiculous.

The maturing business owner must shift from an “I can do it myself” perspective to one of “who can do this better than me?”

Trying to do everything yourself limits the good you can do.  Instead, focus on your strengths, spend your time there, and delegate everything else. In this way, you’ll accomplish much more together as a team.

Where Entrepreneurship Fits into the Cash Flow System

We love Entrepreneurship.  Business owners emphasize and focus on cash flow over accumulation.

In the Cash Flow System, you first increase cash flow by keeping more of the money you make.  Then you protect your money.  Finally, you increase and make more.

Entrepreneurship is part of Investing in stage 3.  Building a cash-flowing asset portfolio of real estate and business accelerates time and money freedom.

Why Delegation Is a Prerequisite to Creating Your Ideal Life

In the early stages of business, you may be tempted to think that just because you’re good at your craft, that will automatically translate to building a successful business.  But often this start-up strength can become a weakness in the scaling phase.

If you’re focusing on things that aren’t your core strength, you’re going to have a hard time moving forward.  Not only is it demoralizing and damaging to your confidence, but the progress is slow.  It arrogantly blinds you from recognizing the talents and skills of others around you.

Building a self-sustaining business that doesn’t depend on you requires you to scale by building high-functioning teams.  This is the only way to move from the Self-Employed to the Business Owner quadrant in Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow Quadrant.

Rugged Individualism Comes from a Scarcity Mindset

Think about all the reasons you wouldn’t delegate.

Often, it’s our pride and arrogance, thinking we can do something better than everyone else.  That perspective prevents us from seeing the potential in others.  And we continue to play small.  Instead of teaching others and re-creating ourselves, we cap our potential.