The Money Advantage Podcast

The Money Advantage Podcast

How to Pay Less in Taxes Legally, with Dustin Griffiths

January 15, 2018

“Tax Empowered” vs. “Tax Scared”

It’s time to stop tipping the IRS and pay less in taxes legally, from now on.No one likes paying the IRS, but are you letting the government steal from you?  If you aren’t strategic, tax deadlines can feel like doomsday.  You’re stuck with hating that you pay so much in taxes or fearing you’re doing something wrong.But, there’s no need for the word “taxes” to have you tucking your tail and running for the hills.While the IRS is not your friend, the tax code can be.  But it requires you to understand and apply the rules in your favor.If you don't want to pour through and interpret the IRS regulations on your own, you're not alone.  The tax code is a bunch of legalese and linguistic judo.You need someone in your corner who wants you to pay less in taxes, legally.

A tax strategist can help you navigate the law with grace and efficiency.  They embrace the tax code as a roadmap for reducing your taxes.  And they're willing to stand up to the IRS on your behalf, helping you leverage the tax code.  This helps you make strategic decisions that keep more dollars in your pocket.

Then, taxes seem less like a monster and more like an obstacle course to master.

Dustin Griffiths, at Incite Tax and Accounting, is one such tax strategist.  He believes that you are the best person to steward your resources, not the federal government.

Where Taxes Fit into the Cash Flow System

Strategically (and legally) shrinking your tax liability is a huge part of fixing your money leaks.  But it’s just one small step of a greater journey of building time and money freedom.  

That’s why we’ve put together the 3-step Entrepreneur’s Cash Flow System.  

The first step is keeping more of the money you make.  This includes tax planning, debt restructuring, cash flow awareness, and restructuring your savings so you can access it as an emergency/opportunity fund.  This step frees up and increases your cash flow, so you have more to save, and consequently, more to invest.

Then, you’ll protect your money with savings, insurance and legal protection.  Locating and solving your money leaks is just a temporary bandaid if there’s risk that you could lose it.

Finally, you’ll put your money to work and get it to make more by investing in cash-flowing assets to build time and money freedom and leave a rich legacy.

Paying Less in Taxes Is Critical to Your Wealth Strategy

Maximizing your cash flow and control of resources is one of the top priorities at The Money Advantage.

Our expectation with tax planning is to be proactive and aggressively capture as many possible tax dollars that could be used in your own personal economy.

Tax decisions aren’t isolated choices in a vacuum.  Every dollar you keep, instead of paying to Uncle Sam, is another dollar you can steward and use productively in your life.

Instead of feeling powerless, we want to equip you with the knowledge and education to pay less in taxes legally.

Legally Rigging the Tax Game in Your Favor