The Money Advantage Podcast

The Money Advantage Podcast

Buy Term and Invest the Difference: Here’s What’s Wrong

July 15, 2024

Are you trying to decide which type of life insurance to buy? You want to protect your family in case something happens, so how do you do it best? Whole life insurance is often rejected as expensive and a poor "investment," while mainstream opinion leans in favor of the "buy term and invest the difference" strategy, which involves opting for cheap insurance coverage and investing the dollars you save.

We'll guide you through the compelling story behind the "Buy Term and Invest the Difference" strategy, a concept born from Art Williams' personal experiences in the late 1960s. By examining the benefits and pitfalls of this popular approach, we empower you to make informed decisions tailored to your unique financial goals and risk tolerance.

Explore the vital distinctions between whole life and term life insurance, and learn why a one-size-fits-all solution may not serve your best interests. Through relatable analogies and real-life examples, we break down the often misunderstood aspects of life insurance, helping you see the bigger picture. We also address the psychological and financial barriers that many face when considering life insurance, sharing insights from LIMRA and Dr. Wade Pfau on how whole life insurance can provide a stable safety net during economic downturns.

Finally, we delve into the concept of becoming your own banker, illustrating how this alternative perspective can offer unparalleled financial flexibility and security. By understanding the sequence of returns risk and leveraging whole life insurance loans during market downturns, you can protect your investment portfolio and ensure long-term financial stability. Join us for an episode packed with actionable insights and strategies to enhance your financial planning journey.

The Myth of “Buy Term and Invest the Difference”Breaking Down Insurance, Investments, and MoreCommon Pitfalls of Investing the DifferenceIs Term Insurance Actually Cheaper?Who is Buy Term and Invest the Difference For?Book A Strategy Call

The Myth of “Buy Term and Invest the Difference”

The idea of “buy term and invest the difference” is really common in the financial sphere, because on the surface it seems to make a lot of practical sense. After all, you’re being told “buy cheap insurance to get the protection, then build your wealth in investments.” The problem is that this strategy doesn't work with certain goals. There isn't a singular, perfect insurance strategy to trump all else. There are myriad ways to get coverage, depending on what you want out of your dollars.

Many people believe that Art Williams is the origin of this phrase; after his father passed, the whole life insurance death benefit didn’t seem as large as what a term insurance policy could have been, and for less money. He felt strongly that his father had been sold the “wrong” policy, and so his life’s mission became to get rid of whole life insurance. Curiously, he partnered with a mutual company, and the phrase “buy term, invest the difference” was born. 

Breaking Down Insurance, Investments, and More

So what are the elements of “buy term and invest the difference”? It may sound like there are two things at play here, but really there are many factors to consider. While of course there’s term insurance and stocks (or other investments, technically), you have to ask what that strategy is being compared to. And what that’s being compared to is whole life insurance.

Whole life insurance is insurance that is with you for your whole life, and if done with IBC in mind, can also be used as a warehouse for your wealth. Whole life insurance is guaranteed to pay out no matter what age you die, and if you live to the “end” of the policy (called endowment), the death benefit gets paid directly to you. This is permanent insurance in the truest sense. 

Comparatively, term insurance is insurance that you only have for a portion of your life.