The Lighter Side Show

The Lighter Side Show

Latest Episodes

The Lighter Side Show Flashback: Graceful Insights: How to Connect to Joy
May 27, 2019

This audio podcast originally aired as a video episode in season 2 of The Lighter Side Show and may have been edited from its original version. For the full video episode + hundreds of additional episodes that explore trance channeling, energy work,

The Value of Visualization with Metta Edge
May 20, 2019

Jamie invites Atlanta psychotherapist, Metta Sweet Edge LCSW onto the show to share her thoughts on the power of positive visualization and the benefits of psychotherapy.  Metta discusses how she brings her sense of spirituality into her sessions and t...

The Lighter Side Show Flashback: Graceful Insights: Separating Needs from Feelings in Communication
May 08, 2019

An audio flashback to season 2 episode 3 of The Lighter Side Show.

What Drives You to Help with Colleen McCarthy
May 01, 2019

Jamie talks with Colleen McCarthy RDN about how her own healing motivates and informs her healing practices with her clients. Colleen McCarthy is joining The Lighter Side Network! Be sure to check out her upcoming show, Nourished, premiering soon!

Feeling Your Way Through Parenting with Tina Louise Balodi
April 24, 2019

Jamie and Colleen talk with Prana Boost founder Tina Louise Balodi about intuitive, heart-centered parenting.

The Lighter Side Show Flashback: Maitland Talks Reincarnation and Soul Individuations
April 11, 2019

This audio podcast originally aired as a video episode in season 2 of The Lighter Side Show and may have been edited from its original version. For the full video episode + hundreds of additional episodes that explore trance channeling, energy work,

New Science with Dan Drasin
March 27, 2019

Jamie and Colleen talk to documentarian Dan Drasin about his films on the afterlife, EVPs, the Scole Experiment, and what we can learn about our greater reality.

Intuitive Business with Sarah Price
March 20, 2019

Jamie talks with Sarah Price, business coach of Neon Cardigan about the role intuition plays in her business life.

Self-Care with the Lighter Side Show Team
March 13, 2019

Jamie, Jesse, and Colleen discuss their practices around self-care.

Jamie Gives a Reading to Marianne Harangozo of Akashic Ranch
March 06, 2019

Jamie records her one-on-one reading with Marianne Harangozo.