The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

Latest Episodes

Dr. Fauci: "There is a danger of rebound" if states reopen quickly; Model touted by WH shows virus death toll now at 67,641; Trump's coronavirus response follows a pattern of openly disagreeing with science; Can employers protect workers from coronav
April 23, 2020

GA, TX, CO & OH look to reopen some businesses, as top health experts caution against states rushing to reopen; 4.4 million new unemployment claims filed last week; NY Gov: Prelim tests show 13.9% of New Yorkers have antibodies; New coronavirus model: Geo

Trump claims states are "safely coming back," but new models show GA, FL, SC, TX & others should wait until June; CNN goes inside Wuhan, China months after lockdown; Health experts concerned early state openings could threaten worker safety
April 22, 2020

Autopsies show first U.S. coronavirus deaths were weeks earlier than previously known; In GA, TX & IA, local officials fight governors' attempts to reopen businesses; Key model shows 12 states should wait longer to reopen; Doctor says he was removed from

Study: No benefits, higher death rate in patients taking hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus; Georgia, South Carolina to reopen some businesses, despite WH guideline that says cases need to decrease for 14 days; Schumer, Pelosi praise additions Democr
April 21, 2020

GA, SC, TN, CO scaling back restrictions even though they don't meet White House guidance on reopening; Some Georgia mayors outraged over Gov's decision to reopen; New study: outbreak may be 55-times larger in L.A. county; Dr. Sanjay Gupta gets his own an

U.S. death toll doubles over a week, now more than 40,000; Protests in PA, NM, CA, MI push back on stay home orders; Trump tells govs handle testing on their own, WH task force says feds will help; How botched coronavirus testing squandered valuable
April 20, 2020

Crowds of protesters demand faster reopening, even as officials warn it could cause a resurgence; Need for testing grows as U.S. death toll doubles in a week; Gov. Cuomo proposes hazard pay for frontline workers; S. Carolina to allow retail stores & some

Source: WH expected to unveil new details on reopening with a focus on testing & rate of decline in cases; New model suggests U.S. hit virus peak two days ago; Governors, health experts say more testing needed in U.S.; Could the oral polio vaccine he
April 17, 2020

Pres Trump says governors need to do more on testing; attacks Obama & Biden in twitter tirade; NY Gov asks Trump Admin to help with testing: "This is Mayhem"; Cuomo says Trump should stop watching TV and do his job after Trump attacks Cuomo on Twitter for

Pence to churches: Keep following restrictions on gatherings; Fauci: Despite progress, not the time to be pulling back at all; Trump pushing to re-open U.S. as early as May, despite health officials' warnings; Coronavirus reveals wealth & racial divi
April 10, 2020

Dr. Birx: encouraging signs but we haven't reached the peak; Dr. Fauci: Antibody tests coming "in a week or so"; Antibody testing could show exposure & recovery rate; Key to knowing who is able to return to work & when; Trump pushing to re-open U.S. as ea

Nearly 2,000 deaths just yesterday in U.S.; WH Task Force: Baltimore, Philadelphia and DC next coronavirus hot spots; Federal support to end for coronavirus testing sites; Front line health care workers face trauma & stress;
April 09, 2020

This Sunday predicted to be the peak of daily deaths in U.S.; Death toll from virus surges above 15,000; Rate of new cases in U.S. falling as deaths continue to rise; Dr. Fauci: Normal summer "can be in the cards"; New guidelines for DC grocery stores: sh

New model lowers U.S. death projection to 60,000 by August; CNN poll: nearly half of Americans say coronavirus caused them financial hardship; Trump insists there's no problem with testing, doctors say there's a critical shortage; Bernie Sanders drop
April 08, 2020

Dr. Fauci: this is a "bad week for deaths"; Dr. Birx: Philly & DC could be new hot spots; closely watching outbreak in Houston; WaPo: SBA official accuses big banks of taking "free money" in 2008, turning back on small businesses now; Banks report $98b in

More than 12,000 people have died from coronavirus in the U.S.; States competing with private companies and FEMA for medical supplies; Chef Jose Andres urges restaurant workers to help feed America; As Trump downplayed coronavirus, January memo warne
April 07, 2020

CDC Director: U.S. death toll could be "much lower" than predicted 200,000 because most Americans staying home; WI residents waiting up to 3 hours to vote amid pandemic; In Michigan, Illinois and Louisiana rate of infection and death higher in African-Ame

British prime minister Boris Johnson in intensive care; Health officials: the virus peak could come in days or weeks; Investigating coronavirus origins and how it spread so quickly; Multiple states releasing low-risk inmates after first prisoners die
April 06, 2020

UK PM Boris Johnson moved to intensive care with coronavirus; Surgeon general: His week could be "Pearl Harbor moment"; More than 10,000 people have died from coronavirus in the U.S.; Trump trade adviser defends his disagreements with doctor Fauci: "I'm a