The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

Latest Episodes

President Trump: "Vaccine or no vaccine, we're back"; Restrictions eased in parts of New York, Maryland, Virginia; 48 states to phase in reopen plans by Monday; Tensions rise between U.S. and China over coronavirus response;
May 15, 2020

Defense Secy: We'll deliver a vaccine by end of year; Trump: I gave staffers choice to wear masks in Rose Garden; VP Pence again skips Trump's events today to be cautious; Trump: Hope to have vaccine for entire public by January; Trump: Ramping up product

Trump: "Totally disagree" with Fauci on reopening schools; Bright: Email warning U.S. in "deep sh*t" was unforgettable; 36.5 million have filed for unemployment since mid-March; Robots, satellites & science: The tech fight against coronavirus;
May 14, 2020

Bright: "Window of opportunity is closing" to address pandemic; Bright: My warnings caused commotion in the Trump admin; Pres Trump calls ousted vaccine chief disgruntled employee; Georgia, Colorado cases decline even after business openings; Some L.A. be

World Health Org: coronavirus "may never go away"; University of Louisiana to resume in-person classes this fall; Trump names former drug executive to lead "warp speed" vaccine effort; Grocery prices jump; cost of clothes, gas, cars all down;
May 13, 2020

CDC to warn about condition in children associated with virus; DC extends stay-at-home order until June 8th; NYU study: Abbott rapid test use by W.H. often misses positive cases; Cases rising in 9 states, holding steady in 19 & falling in 22; Key model ra

Fauci: U.S. does not have "total control" of coronavirus; One-on-one with Speaker Nancy Pelosi; Los Angeles county expected to keep stay-at-home order through July; Putin's close aide & spokesperson tests positive for virus; CDC Director: Nursing hom
May 12, 2020

Fauci: Reopening too soon may lead to "suffering and death" that could have been avoided; Dr. Fauci says it's "more likely than not" there is a coronavirus vaccine in 1-2 years; Fauci: Shouldn't be "cavalier" thinking kids are immune to virus; Fauci: "Bri

New memo directs White House staffers entering West Wing to wear a mask; NY Gov Cuomo: 93 cases of COVID-related illness in children; World Health Organization: idea of herd immunity is "dangerous"; Small businesses frustrated by constraints of PPP r
May 11, 2020

Fauci, heads of CDC & FDA quarantining after virus exposure; Iowa governor in modified quarantine after possible exposure during White House visit; Pence, other officials refuse to quarantine after White House staffers test positive for virus; Source: Tru

Remdesivir authorized for emergency use by FDA; In first briefing, new WH Press Secy vows to "never lie"; U.S. makes big bet on vaccine company with unproven technology; Biden denies aide's claim he sexually assaulted her in 1993: "It's not true... T
May 01, 2020

Gilead gets FDA approval for remdesivir to treat Covid-19; Top disease expert says 60-70% of U.S. will be infected and virus could be around for at least two years; Remdesivir authorized for emergency use by FDA; In first briefing, new WH Press Secy vows

Dr. Fauci expresses optimism about drug Remdesivir as treatment; After total U.S. cases pass one million, Kushner calls coronavirus response "a great success story"; U.S. economy shrinks for first time in six years as nation grinds to halt
April 29, 2020

Dr. Fauci on "significant" new findings: Remdesivir has a "clear cut" effect in diminshing coronavirus recovery time; NYT: FDA expected to issue emergency authorization for Remdesivir; VP Pence does not wear mask despite WH guidance; Meat plant workers to

Confirmed coronavirus cases surpass one million in the U.S.; One-on-one with Dr. Anthony Fauci; Governors move forward with reopening despite dire models; 
April 28, 2020

Dire new models show opening too early will kill thousands; Fauci: Coronavirus will come back, or never leave at all; Trump says he'll "have to check" if he was warned about virus in Jan, Feb briefings as Washington Post reported; WH testing plan puts mos

AR, AK, GA, TN and OK among states opening salons, restaurants this week; WH may scale back coronavirus task force briefings after wide spread criticism of the president's comments; Scientists, doctors struggle to understand how covid-19 kills
April 27, 2020

NY Gov Cuomo: 337 died in last 24 hours; death rate is "on the decline"; Birx: U.S. needs testing "breakthrough" to screen large numbers; Texas gov will lift stay-at-home order after it expires April 30th; White House cancels today's briefing, instead wi

CDC tweets reminder to use disinfectants properly after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant to treat virus; Remembering the victims of coronavirus; Mayors, governors battle over when it's safe to reopen; 
April 24, 2020

Trump falsely claims he didn't suggest looking into internal disinfectant as coronavirus treatment; Navy leaders recommend reinstating captain removed for sounding coronavirus alarm; FDA warns of serious side effects linked with hydroxychloroquine; Georgi