The Hoop Strong Podcast

The Hoop Strong Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 3 - Dean McAsey on Navigating the Recruiting Process
March 07, 2018

The College Recruiting Process with Dean McCasey

Episode 2 - Mike Robertson on Basketball Development Through the Weight Room
December 07, 2017

Mike Robertson, a World Class Strength Coach, talks hoops, life, supplements, and more.

Episode 1 - Cliff Marshall, Director of Athletic Performance, Indiana University Men's Basketball
November 17, 2017

Guest Clif Marshall, Director of Athletic Performance at Indiana Men's Basketball

keeping the motivations up!
November 14, 2017

The beginning of any program is the easiest.  It is exciting, new, interesting, but when it comes to resilience there are different motivations we must explore, especially if you plan on being an elite athlete. These two motivations are 1.) the abil

Top 4 Rod and Erin Desserts
September 27, 2017

So you want to be the fittest in the room and bring the most delicious desserts?BE THE DREAM ;)Below are some recipes that are delicious.  Enjoy!Fat Bombs--melt in your mouth and your hand and are flipping delicious. Click Here for Recipe

Can we have it all??
August 13, 2017

Can we have it all?The idea of balance in life is a concern I hear a lot.  How can I exercise and take care of my kids?  How can I get adequate work done, make sure my family is happy, and maintain how I look?And to be honest, I don’t think we

Weekend warriors!
August 13, 2017

Today let’s do 30 minutes of work.Set your Seconds timer to 30 rounds, 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest.Your 6 exercises:Push ups or plyo push upsSkater JumpsFake Jump RopeAlternating lunges OR split jumpsPlankHigh KneesThis one will be hard on

what does it feel like?
August 08, 2017

What does it feel like when you are working towards your fitness goals?This weekend I attended an excellent summit on sports performance.  I was in a room with great minds and a few great motivators.  One of the speakers highlighted what a calen

back to school stress relief
August 08, 2017

I'm sure many of you are experiencing the rush and excitement of starting your kiddos in school.  Until you get your flow down, here are a few tips for managing stress, nutrition, and exercise in the transition.1.)  Do 20 minutes at least of hig