The Hero Movement Podcast
Latest Episodes
004 | Proactive vs Reactive Living: You Choose
What would your life look like if you were to make the shift towards a more proactive mindset, as opposed to a reactive one? How would it impact your health, happiness, and the lives of those around you? How can you start to make the transition...
003 | On Willpower: Taking the First Step (And Habit Change Pathways)
What does willpower have to do with changing habit? Is willpower something that can be trained and built upon? Are there methods which we can use that preserve our willpower as we attempt to make changes?
002 | Ikigai and Bushido: Finding Your Reason WHY
What is your reason WHY? What's the thing that makes you tick? The thing that get's you up in the morning? The thing that keeps you moving forwards in the face of adversity? In this episode of The HERO Podcast we explore just that: how you...
001 | The Hero's Journey: Adopting The HERO Mindset
What is the HERO archetype? How can you adopt the HERO mindset to make healthier decisions in your everyday life? In this week's episode we explore all of the above and more.
000 | Welcome to The HERO Podcast
Every journey begins with a single step. Join Luke in the very first episode of The HERO Podcast, as he shares his story, the how's and why's behind the show, and what you can expect moving forwards. The big goal? To empower you, and...