The Deal Room

The Deal Room

[EP 241] The Importance of Shareholder Agreements (Part 1)

March 08, 2023

In this episode, part of a series we’ll be doing on Shareholders Agreements, we speak to Simon Bedard, the Founder and CEO of Exit Advisory. Simon along with our host Joanna Oakey talk about Shareholder Agreements and discuss the importance of Shareholder Agreements in the context of business deals. Simon and host, Joanna Oakey, soundboard different opportunities for including shares in your contracts and then touch on the importance of both commercial and legal aspects. They also chat through how to set up a roadmap for using shares in the future of your business and (as always) a few great stories from Simon’s personal experience in this area.

[EP 241] The Importance of Shareholder Agreements (Part 1) | Aspect Legal
