The Primary Knowledge Podcast

The Primary Knowledge Podcast

Latest Episodes

Our curriculum journey with Cornerstones: St Paul’s Church of England Primary School, York
July 30, 2020

Caroline talks with three inspirational teachers and leaders from St Paul’s Church of England Primary School in York. They describe their curriculum journey using Cornerstones in a community centred, supportive school, situated right in the centre of the

How the FA are applying the six steps of curriculum design
July 03, 2020

We take a swerve into a new area in this episode. Caroline talks to Chris Rosimus, Head Performance Nutritionist at the Football Association, who came across our six steps of curriculum design when researching a sports science and nutrition curriculum for

Primary curriculum leadership in action
June 17, 2020

What does curriculum leadership look like in today’s primary schools? How do leaders manage, shape, support and monitor a successful curriculum? Caroline speaks to experienced senior leader, Adam Newman, from Farmilo Primary School in Nottinghamshire to d

My curriculum conversation with Mary Myatt
May 21, 2020

Caroline speaks to Mary Myatt, a respected education adviser, speaker and writer. They discuss the implications for schools during the period of closure due to Covid-19, national curriculum coverage, forward planning, the importance of curriculum coherenc

School improvement through an inclusive curriculum: Queen Emma’s Primary
May 07, 2020

Caroline speaks to Vicky Musson, Director of Education at the Mill Academy Trust. Vicky shares the incredible journey undertaken at one of the two primary schools in the Trust, Queen Emma’s, from RI to Good using a range of well-considered interventions,

54: How to use the Love to Read guides for home learning and family time
April 06, 2020

Caroline Pudner, Content Manager at Cornerstones, talks us through the Love to Read guides, offering simple, practical tips that teachers and parents can follow in order to enjoy them while at home. There are 45 Love to Read guides now available on our we

53: Update and support for primary schools during COVID-19
March 20, 2020

A short podcast with news of the latest updates about resources, staff training and home learning ideas to help you, your staff and communities during this challenging period. We're here for you to help you continue to learn, plan, prepare, support and ke

52: Why subject leadership is crucial to the success of your curriculum
March 10, 2020

Subject leadership is a critical priority for primary schools under the new inspection framework, but how can leaders ensure that staff are equipped to meet the challenges?  Caroline talks to Cornerstones Founder and former Headteacher, Simon Hickton

51: Primary curriculum design in action: The Stour Federation Partnership
February 25, 2020

Caroline talks with Executive Headteacher, Christian Hilton, and Associate Headteacher, Hannah Young, from the Stour Federation Partnership in Warwickshire.   They describe their curriculum journey using Cornerstones across three schools through

50: Ofsted’s new early years inspection – what does it mean in practice?
January 31, 2020

Caroline talks with Gill Quantrell, an experienced Early Years expert who leads EYFS and KS1 in a large primary in Devon and has designed and run an Early Primary PGCE course.  In this episode, Gill and Caroline take a deep dive into some of the ke