Tim Andersen, The Appraiser's Advocate Podcast

Latest Episodes
From Your Workfile – TAA Podcast 150
USPAP does not specifically use the term, "...from your workfile..." However, you'll find your state appraisal board does. In fact, you'll find the board uses this phrase a lost. Given that, let's
USPAP Doesn’t Mention Time Adjustments – TAA Podcast 149
USPAP doesn't mention time adjustments. They are not useless or unnecessary. Measuring and analyzing changes in market conditions are critical and fundamental to real estate appraisal. Indeed, they
A Hill to Die On
A hill to die on. That sounds way too serious for a real estate appraisal podcast, right? These are supposed to be about USPAP, and education, and more practical stuff. But I've been studying on th
To Comply with USPAP – TAA Podcast 147
Compliance with USPAP can be a major pain! But, really, we have not choice.
There’s Too Much – TAA podcast 146
There's too much going on in AppraisalWorld. It is essentially impossible to keep track of what's going on. FHFA just announced, in the most neutral of tones, that appraisal waivers could now be had
Financing Concessions and USPAP – TAA podcast 145
Financing concessions and USPAP! More on this? Haven't we heard enough on concessions, cash equivalency, and stuff they don't teach us in appraisal school?! If you listen to what Fannie and Freddie
Technicians, Mechanics, and Engineers – TAA Podcast 144
What do technicians, mechanics, and engineers have to do with USPAP and Real Estate Appraisal? Maybe nothing. - But, at this point, it is easiest to conclude that a technician is one who knows that so
To Make You Mad! – TAA Podcast 143
One of the purposes of this podcast is to make you mad. Another is to open your eyes to the power the analytics of the cost approach have to analyze sales. Another is to anger you. About what? Abo
USPAP for Great Advice! – TAA Podcast 142
There are two steps to the adjustment process. First is to ascertain the market recognizes any specific adjustment. Then, measure the market to determine the quantity of the adjustment.
USPAP and The State Board – TAA Podcast #141
When you think of USPAP and the State Board, chills run up and down your spine, right?