The Gospel Project for Adults Weekly Leader Training

The Gospel Project for Adults Weekly Leader Training

Latest Episodes

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 32, Session 3: The Church Is United in the Gospel
April 20, 2021

It seems strange that Paul would thank God that he had not baptized people (vv. 14-15). Paul’s point in making this statement was not to suggest that baptism is unimportant; rather, it was that people should not seek to identify with the person who bap...

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 32, Session 2: The Church Is Sent to the World
April 13, 2021

Having been sent out by the Holy Spirit, the missionaries Barnabas and Saul, with John as their helper, enjoyed smooth sailing and success in the early phase of their journey. However, in Paphos the missionaries encountered resistance in the person of ...

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 32, Session 1: The Church Is Sent to Trust God
April 06, 2021

Reflect on the fact that James, a disciple of Jesus and brother of John, was executed at the hand of King Herod, while Peter, another disciple, would miraculously be set free. Did God display greater love to Peter than to James?

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 31, Easter Session: From Despair to Joy
March 30, 2021

Neither angels nor an empty tomb were enough for Mary. She still assumed that Jesus’ body had been stolen (vv. 2,13). Dead or alive, she wanted to be near her Savior but did not know where His body lay. Though she was slow to believe in the resurrectio...

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 31, Session 4: The Church Is Sent to Demonstrate Faith
March 23, 2021

Known as the “Hall of Faith,” Hebrews 11 reminds us of men and women throughout Old Testament history who walked with God in faith. In particular, the chapter speaks of their faith being evident in what these heroes did on the basis of what they believ...

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 31, Session 3: The Church Is Sent to Proclaim Jesus
March 16, 2021

Some years ago, the television show Touched by an Angel was quite popular. The show featured an angel in human form who visited people and offered them hope, healing, and other blessings and lessons. Its popularity evidenced our craving for hope in a h...

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 31, Session 2: The Church Is Sent to Encourage New Believers
March 09, 2021

Jesus promised that the world would hate us because it hated Him (John 15:18-20). Paul told Timothy that “all who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Tim. 3:12). The early Christians in Jerusalem experienced this kind of su...

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 31, Session 1: The Church Is Sent to All People
March 02, 2021

After reading Acts 11, you may wonder why Luke would retell the same account of Peter at Cornelius’s house from the previous chapter. Peter recounted his vision, and later the Gentiles’ conversion and the coming of the Holy Spirit upon them,

“The Mission Begins”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 30, Session 4: Holding Fast to the Gospel of Jesus
February 23, 2021

Paul loved the Corinthian church. He had invested a year and a half in Corinth to preach and teach them the gospel. He labored like a father to provide for their spiritual needs so they would grow in faith and godliness. But then they turned on him.

“The Mission Begins”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 30, Session 3: Experiencing New Identity in the Gospel of Jesus
February 16, 2021

Jesus taught His disciples that where your treasure is, there is your heart also (Matt. 6:21). He said this in the Sermon on the Mount as He taught about how disciples should not worry but trust the Lord to provide for their needs.