The Gospel Project for Adults Weekly Leader Training

The Gospel Project for Adults Weekly Leader Training

Latest Episodes

“All Things New”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 35, Session 1: Preaching in All Circumstances
June 29, 2021

Paul was able to give his defense before Festus. Paul’s accusers knew they couldn’t get what they wanted as long as the trial was in the Roman court system. This helps us reflect on Jesus’ trials and

“All Things New”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 34, Session 4: Pressing Toward the Goal
June 22, 2021

Paul expressed how much joy the Philippian believers’ gospel partnership brought him and reminded them that their sovereign and faithful God would keep them to the end (1:3-6). He prayed that God would cause their love to increase so they would stay pu...

“All Things New”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 34, Session 3: Breaking Down Barriers
June 15, 2021

After a brief greeting, Paul in Ephesians 1 praised God for all He accomplished through Christ for our redemption and restoration (vv. 3-4). Paul thanked God for the believer’s maturity in faith in Christ. By His glorious grace,

“All Things New”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 34, Session 2: Continuing Through Opposition
June 08, 2021

God had a plan for Paul, and what God decrees will always come to pass (see Isa. 46:9-10; Eph. 1:10). As we see Acts 23, Roman soldiers protected Paul from harm and death, but God is the One who sends protection.

“All Things New”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 34, Session 1: Persevering in the Mission
June 01, 2021

In this Acts 18 we see Paul beginning his third missionary journey. His heart was always toprovide encouragement to the disciples in every city he had visited previously. May wetoo consider how we can check in on the body of Christ.

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 33, Session 4: The Church Is United in Hope
May 25, 2021

Christ, our infinite God, is the only One who can quench that infinite longing in us to be known completely, be safe, and be made whole. His promise that He will come back for His people and we will be with Him always is not meant to function as a band...

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 33, Session 3: The Church Is United in Faith
May 18, 2021

In Galatians 3:1-9, we see Christ crucified (v. 1), the Spirit received by faith (v. 2) and working miracles among the Galatians (v. 5), God the Father supplying the Spirit (v. 5), and Scripture foretelling God’s justification of Gentiles by faith as H...

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 33, Session 2: The Church Is United in Love
May 11, 2021

As we share the gospel, we need to understand up front that some people will receive the message (Acts 17:1-4) while others will reject it (vv. 5-9). Regardless of the response, we learn from Paul how to continue sharing the gospel clearly, winsomely,

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 33, Session 1: The Church Is United in the Essentials
May 04, 2021

The salvation we enjoy first came to the Jews in Jerusalem and Judea. The Jews were expecting a Jewish Messiah to come and restore the kingdom to Israel on the promise of a new covenant: a new heart, forgiveness of sin,

“The Church United”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 32, Session 4: The Church Is United Under Godly Leaders
April 27, 2021

Paul and Timothy had a special relationship. Throughout his letters, Paul referred to Timothy with much affection. In 1 Timothy 1:2, he used the phrase “my dearly loved son.” In 1 Corinthians 4:17, Paul said to the church at Corinth that Timothy was hi...