The Generous Husband Daily Rant

The Generous Husband Daily Rant

Latest Episodes

Understanding the Difference Between Arousal and Lust
December 21, 2024

I want to talk about arousal vs lust. They’re not the same thing, and only one is sinful. Let’s say you’re walking along a forest path. You round a corner, and see a coral snake on the path. A part of your brain that does not reason causes a release of ad

A Gift She Really Wants
December 20, 2024

Would you like to give your wife a gift she really wants? A gift she will cherish for years to come? How about making a permanent change you know she wants? It might be no longer doing or saying something she dislikes. Or it could be starting to do someth

Discovering Your God-Given Identity: Beyond Expectations and Opinions
December 19, 2024

Who did God make you to be? I find myself asking this question all the time. I ask it here, in sermons, and during coaching. I ask Lori, and I ask myself. I think Who am I? is probably the most important question in life, and for those who follow Jesus,

The Art of Thoughtful Gifting: Creative Gift Coupons
December 18, 2024

The best gifts are things that cant be delivered in a nicely wrapped box. This is where gift certificates come in. That link goes to certificates over on the TMB site that you can personalise and print. If you know she would like more date nights, give h

Unsung Heroes In Action
December 17, 2024

I talk a lot about serving others. Today I want to share about some folks who are doing that in very real, practical ways. The names have been changed. Mary, an elderly woman, can no longer drive. For several years, Joe has picked her up at her home, driv

Navigating The Fallout from Premarital Sex
December 16, 2024

Last Friday, I talked to the ladies about sexual bait and switch from before the wedding to after. The classic is the woman who gives blowjobs before marriage, but not after. My suggestion was women do this because sex has become the price of admission fo

FF: Her Perspective on Christmas Lingerie
December 13, 2024

We did a little poll on Facebook asking wives if they wanted lingerie for Christmas. Just under half said yes, some was nice, while only 8% said the more, the better. A full quarter said it was okay, but they saw it as a gift for him, not for them. Sevent

Reasonable or Not? Context Matters.
December 12, 2024

Id like to introduce you to the concept of situationally reasonable. Imagine you and your wife are lost in the wilderness, and dangerously hungry. In that situation, its reasonable to give her grubs to eat. The same offer in the backyard at home is not

Marriage as Ministry: Your Relationship as a Witness
December 10, 2024

I have a friend who was born in the US after his Christian parents fled a Muslim country. Yesterday at church, he thanked me for the work I do with marriages. He told me that a happy Christian couple is a strong witness to Muslims. While the effect would

Avoid Presumption: Respecting Her Time and Goodwill
December 09, 2024

Do you presume on your wife during the holiday season? You presume she will get gifts for the kids? You presume she will wrap gifts you buy? How often do you presume on her time? What about presuming on her good will? Make a point of asking if she can do