Tend HER Wild Podcast

Tend HER Wild Podcast

10. Caribbean Wild Woman Salisha Aya

April 08, 2022

Meet Salisha Aya, a sacred leader who empowers women in wellness retreats, women’s circles, and conscious ritual.  Today’s inspiring conversation is a journey with Salisha from her early years in an abusive, alcoholic household to finding worldly success until one day in her 30’s when she literally hit the brakes on her sports car and asked the big question, “Is this all there is?”

That question opened up a world of seeking and transformation as Salisha sought to figure out who she was and what she really wanted out of life (which wasn’t what she had been told by society/culture).  A journey to India, a divorce, and finding herself in the jungle of South America on a plant medicine journey all led her to deep healing and a deep reverence for herself and the power of what she calls the “divine sacred feminine”.  

Salisha admits that she is wildly, blissfully happy despite all that she has endured in her life, a testament to the work she has done on herself and the work she so expertly guides other women toward in the retreats and trainings she leads.

For more information on Salisha Aya visit:  www.activateyouralchemy.com

Salisha Instagram:  @Salisha.aya

To learn more about her upcoming Goddess Alchemy retreat May 22-28, visit here: https://www.activateyouralchemy.com/retreat-details