Tend HER Wild Podcast

Tend HER Wild Podcast

118. A Looming Empty Nest, Grief & That Darn Silver Lining

July 19, 2024

In today’s episode we have a conversation that has been looming for months: our children leaving for college in just a few short weeks.  Kate has been preparing herself as she has done this 2 other times, whereas Betsy is going in blind not knowing what to expect.  This leads into a broader conversation of grief, witnessing each other, and why we are sick of finding a silver lining.

In today’s episode we talk about:

  • Kate’s process of preparing for her final child to leave home for college, and how she has been allowing herself to grieve for many months.

  • The YouTube video that Jack (Kate’s son) sent his mom about “soiling the nest” in attempt to explain what is happening.

  • Mom guilt – can we ever get out from under this?

  • Grief as the “master emotion” and it’s ever present presence in our lives these days.

  • Why witnessing each other is essential as we end life chapters, and why those silver linings don’t feel that useful.

Other Episodes You Might Like:

Episode 93: Resilience Stories: Betsy & Kate’s Vulnerable Shares

Episode 30: Grief: It’s Complicated

Episode 21:  Living In The Threshold

Today’s Episode sponsored by:

Kate Moreland Coaching

Dr Yoga Momma

Heartland Yoga

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