Tend HER Wild Podcast

Tend HER Wild Podcast

97. Cathy Pagano: The Gifts of the Feminine Spirit

February 23, 2024

Today we are thrilled to introduce Cathy Pagano who has been working

with the gifts of the feminine spirit for over forty years.

Today we discuss:

• How Cathy was drawn as a young child to spirituality (she wanted to be

“the pope” as a kid) as a young kid from Brooklyn and Long Island.

• Her study of our dream life, and how dreams can change the trajectory

of our life and show us the truth of our souls.

• Cathy’s perspective of the wild woman archetype and why it’s showing

up for so many women right now .

• What is happening astrologically right now?? Cathy’s predictions…

• Her advice that as we move into this potentially rocky year, we make the

choice to take our attention away from headlines, away from fear and

focus on nature, grounding, and being in service to our community.


Cathy Pagano is a psychotherapist, astrologer, author, coach, and teacher,

who has worked with the gifts of the Feminine Spirit for over 40 years.

These gifts include our creative imagination, our emotional intelligence, our

instincts and our intuition. She trained in dream interpretation at the C.G.

Jung-Institute, Zurich and received her Masters in Counseling Psychology

from Goddard College, where she studied the psychology of Feminine

Consciousness. Cathy has been a professional astrologer since the 1990s,

seeing clients for personal astrology readings, while also using astrological

readings in her counseling practice. She is the author of a book on the

return of the Divine Feminine as Wisdom. Her book, Wisdom’s Daughters:

How Women Can Change the World is the basis of her classes, the Wise

Women Salons. Cathy is a change agent, an evolutionary activist and

healer, helping people transform their lives and evolve their consciousness.

Learn more:
Cathy Pagano

Mentioned today:
Clarissa Pinkola Estes

If you like this episode, check out previous similar episodes:
Dreams: Tap into the Power
The Power of Healing in Community
Women Finding Their Voice
The Heroine’s Journey: Reclamation of the Feminine

Work with Betsy & Kate In Person:

Re-Wilding Retreat

Join us for a week of yoga, meditation, connection, healing, and

transformation in Nosara, Costa Rica at the beautiful Blue Spirit Retreat

Center, May 11-18, 2024.
For more information click here

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Today’s episode sponsored by:
Kate Moreland coaching
Heartland Yoga
Dr Yoga Momma

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