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Ooma AirDial works where copper lines are disappearing, Podcast

June 24, 2024

Ooma AirDial works where copper lines are disappearing, Podcast, “Anything, that has a copper line, Ooma AirDial would work for” 

“There’s no failover delay.”

“Anything, that has a copper line, Ooma AirDial would work for” says Clinton Fitch of Ooma.

The long reign of copper is over. The sunset of copper’s once ubiquitous presence is underway. Elevators. Fire and emergency phones. Lines once dedicated to fax traffic. The way copper was deployed, in so many places over such a long period of time, can make it difficult for organizations to even know what they own, what they are paying for, in real time, and what needs to be replaced.

In this podcast we learn that a good first migration step is to figure out what you have. It turns out organizations sometimes discover lines and charges that are literally being unused. “We always recommend that customers go and do an audit. And it’s just as simple as taking your phone bill and going literally line by line and figuring out, yes, we’re using this line,” adds Clint.

Clint discusses the AirDial, a full end-to-end POTS replacement solution.

We learn that whether its replacing a now possibly expensive line, still dedicated to FAX traffic, or to replace hard to reach places such as emergency phones or end points on on elevators, Ooma AirDial offers a robust solution with straightforward implementation, and a replacement that does not drop calls. “It completely replicates all the voice packets across two links, so the wired Ethernet link and then the wireless LTE link. This is an active-active technology, meaning that it’s essentially best packet wins,” says Clint.  The product carries technology preventing failover. “There’s no failover delay.”

“Whatever the best packet is, the first one that gets there, because jitter and latency are not good for voice. Whichever one gets there first, that’s the one we use.”