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Telin puts paging on partner radar with CyberData 25V/70V, Podcast

June 12, 2024

Telin puts paging on partner radar with CyberData 25V/70V, Paging systems, door phones, door strikers, panic buttons, the list is really endless when you go into applications

“Our product, this 25V/70V, is a culmination, what we call hybrid paging technology,” says Dan Marchetto of CyberData. It’s a combination of SIP and IP along with constant voltage. And constant voltage, both of these technologies have been around for some time, but we’re the only ones that have it in the same box with all the feature sets. It makes a big difference when it comes to installations.”

Telin puts paging on partnerSame notification coverage, at a fraction of the cost.

In this podcast, Dan takes a deeper look at how the 25V/70V can offer Telin partners the same notification coverage at a fraction of the cost.

“When you start adding up speakers in areas that don’t need zoning, it’s an amazing savings as compared to using all IP. Again, for the exact same coverage,” adds Dan. Human resource department and retail applications are discussed. But paging applications are almost unlimited.

I think there’s a whole new world of additional revenue, and additional ownership of that client, that our partners can bring on, when they sell CyberData,” says Zack Lee, of Telin. “Paging systems, door phones, door strikers, panic buttons, the list is really endless when you go into applications.”

As partners seek to diversify their portfolio, Telin’s partnership with CyberData reflects two things in motion. With paging, there is an almost unlimited number of use cases and a huge number of legacy sites that need to see new and better equipment. CyberData has worked to deliver a product that is cost effective and yet improved over previously installed systems. The CyberData presence in the Telin offering represents Telin’s goal of being a single source for a greater variety of products and services to sell.
