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Telecom Reseller / Technology Reseller News

Assembling Industry Leaders to Battle The ‘Dark Side’ of Global Connectivity, Massive Networks Podcast

May 07, 2024

“It’s really the spirited discussion around connectivity solutions that’s going to drive value for viewers,” says Lauren Malhiot, Director of Product-Led Growth and Technical Marketing at Massive Networks. “The audience can expect us to touch on the things that have been on their mind lately, including edge computing, AI’s impact on networking, and where the networking industry is headed.”

According to Lauren, “Massive Networks is bringing together some of the most knowledgeable networking experts all in one place, which means we have so many different viewpoints colliding to give you the most well-rounded view of the industry. We’ll be talking about everything from downtime concerns to hidden costs of connectivity. Combine that with our Rebel Alliance theme, and it’s going to be a good time all-around.”

The panel includes, Mark Thiele, Lauren Malhoit, Kevin Flake, James Coberly, Joe Onisick, and Robert P Boles.

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