Technically 200

Latest Episodes
Technically 200: How Exposure, Opportunity & Mentorship Changes Lives
Technically 200: How Exposure, Opportunity & Mentorship Changes Lives In this episode, Code2College Vision 2024 Legacy Kylie Phillips joins us for an inspiring conversat
Technically 200: How a Vision 2024 Legacy Found Her STEM Path
Technically 200: How a Vision 2024 Legacy Found Her STEM Path Our first surprise of the season - one of our accomplished Vision 2024 Legacies! In this episode, St. Edwar
Technically 200: Finding Community at a Tech Giant
Technically 200: Finding Community at a Tech Giant In our first episode of season six, we spoke with Stanford and Wharton alumna Jeanine Henry.One of the few Black wome
Technically 200: Marketing Analytics in the Travel Industry
Technically 200: Marketing Analytics in the Travel Industry In this episode we're talking with Danielle Johns, Marketing Analytics Manager at Expedia Group about the importance of marketing analytics
Technically 200: Becoming the First Latinx CEO to Raise a Million Dollars in Equity Crowdfunding
Technically 200: Becoming the First Latinx CEO to Raise a Million Dollars in Equity Crowdfunding In this episode we're talking with Max Tuchman, CEO and Co-Founder of Caribu about being the first Lat
Technically 200 Throwback Thursday: Claudia Varela
Technically 200 Throw Back Thursday: Latinas in STEM Claudia Varela This week, in honor of graduation season, we're throwing it back to an amazing episode with previous host Matt Stephenson and Clau
Technically 200: The Importance of Debt- Financing for Small Businesses
Technically 200: The Importance of Debt- Financing for Small Businesses In this episode we're talking with Natalie Garcia, Managing Director at Deerpath about investment management and the importance
“What is Web3?” Series: NFTs in the Luxury Retail Space
"What is Web3?" Series: NFTs in the Luxury Retail Space In this episode we're talking with Ingrid Rogier, Luxury Consultant at INCLux, about how NFTs are breaking into the luxury retail space! Tune
Black Women in Tech Feature: Shannon Davis
Black Women in Tech Feature: Shannon Davis In this episode we're talking with Shannon Davis, Senior Program Manager at Expedia Group, about UI/UX, risk management, and about what program management l
“What is Web3?” Series: Changing Banking for the Unbanked
"What is Web3?" Series: Changing Banking for the Unbanked In this episode we're talking with Carla Franklin, Senior Program Manager - Corporate Strategy at Amazon about how Web3 is diversifying banki