TASH Amplified

Latest Episodes
Self-Advocacy and the Culture of Punk Music
D.C. punk musician Sean Gray talks with us on how the ethic of punk effects his disability advocacy and his crowd-source website, "Is This Venue Accessible".
Self-Advocacy and the Culture of Punk Music
D.C. punk musician Sean Gray talks with us on how the ethic of punk effects his disability advocacy and his crowd-source website, "Is This Venue Accessible".
Barb Trader Reflects on a Lifetime of Accomplishment in Disability Rights
Barb Trader reflects on her 40-year career in disability rights on the occasion of her retirement as Executive Director of TASH.
Presentations on Recreation and Leisure for People with Disabilities at the TASH Annual Conference
The new recreation and leisure thread at the TASH 2016 Annual Conference, discussed by Susan Fleming, Executive Director of the Recreation Council of Greater Saint Louis.