TASH Amplified

Latest Episodes
National Disability Employment Awareness Month: Alison Barkoff
This is the first in a series of podcasts in recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). TASH’s interim Executive Director, Serena Lowe talks with Alison Barkoff, the Director of Advocacy, Center for Public Representation.
National Disability Employment Awareness Month: Alison Barkoff
This is the first in a series of podcasts in recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). TASHs interim Executive Director, Serena Lowe talks with Alison Barkoff, the Direct
When Students are Segregated: A Study of Least Restrictive Environment Statements
How do schools decide when to offer supplementary services to keep students with disabilities in the classroom and when do they seclude students?
Employee Retention in Competitive Integrated Employment for People with Disabilities
A discussion with Professor Carol Schall on how well employees with autism do over the long-term and how to cultivate careers for people with disabilities.
The Individualized Education Program as a Living Document
Season 2, Episode 2 — 7 August 2017 About this episode In preparation for the return to school, the theme of the current issue of our membership magazine is “The Individualized Education Program as a living document”. We talk with Amy Toson,
How to Talk to Your Senator About Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act
Season 2, Episode 1 — 22 June 2017 About this episode Today’s episode is particularly urgent. The Senate released its bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act and cut Medicaid this morning. Listen to it right away then get busy.
TASH Annual Conference Preview: Inclusion Means Diversity and Cultural Competency
Natalie Holdren discusses cultural and linguistic competency for school staff working with parents of diverse backgrounds and for TASH chapter leaders.
TASH Annual Conference Wednesday Workshop Preview: Faith and Inclusion
Mona Fuerstenau and Anthony Armitage discuss a breadth of ways for faith communities to become agents for greater inclusion for people with disabilities.
#CripTheVote and Online Disability Activism
Online activists Alice Wong and Andrew Pulrang discuss #CripTheVote and the Disability Visibility Project.
From Angry Mom to Power Mom: The Parent Training and Information Centers and Your Child’s Individualized Education Program
Season 1, Episode 13 — 20 October 2016 About this episode Paula Wills and Michelle Phillips of Chicago’s Family Resource Center on Disabilities discuss the services that are available through the Parent Training and Information Center to parents trying...