Tales of Mythic Adventure

Tales of Mythic Adventure

Tales of Mythic Adventure Episode 04

May 25, 2015

No special guest today, so Jeff and MOB are discussing their own current projects. For the crucial refreshment update Mob (6AM Melbourne) is having an expresso and Jeff (8PM Berlin) is having a glass of nice Italian red wine. Rob the Producer (6AM Melbourne) claims to be drinking Smirnoff straight from the bottle but as I also do the program descriptions I can say with full authority that I am lying.

Prince of Sartar, Jeff Richard's web comic (with Bulgarian illustrator Kalin Kadiev) has reached episode 31 (as of March 2015).
Kalin was discovered by Jeff when Kalin posted some fan art to his Deviant Art page, and then on to the Google+ Glorantha site. Jeff asked him to do some concept art and early 2014 they started publishing the web comic, initially fortnightly and now weekly!
Turnaround for the fiendishly complicated Gloranthan web comic is now a week. Kalin is trained as an animator so he is used to a full-on workflow, nevertheless Jeff feels that animation school does not train you to do “floating God’s eyes or blue skinned sorcerers or mystic warrior goddesses”.
MOB agrees, and also notes that many of the illustrations have a lot of deep symbolism that would not be discernible by the casual viewer, and that Kalin has to incorporate all of these details. One example is from the beginning of the Chapter Three, “The White Bear”. The six rulers of the Holy Country are meeting the God-King Belintar. There is a very small chain at the bottom of the picture. The chain is in the shape of the Movement rune, and that is an incarnation of the spirit of freedom of change. It’s one of the powers that Belintar has enslaved and chained. If you value change and freedom then Balentar is your enemy, and this is all given away in one tiny corner of a panel.

Jeff does the writing for the comic and a lot of the time he spends is considering what symbolic detail he wants to see in the comic. In many cases the comments below the comment will investigate and reveal these symbolic details.
Except in cases where the commenter is clearly wrong, Jeff tends to let fan theories run without confirming or denying. He also keeps quiet when the fan theories are cooler that what he thought up. Jeff then corrects himself to say that this never happens, and that all of the details are in the secret bible handed down to him by Greg Stafford. He then has an attack of honesty and admits that like all writers, he makes up details as required, but that after so many years working in Glorantha he has a detailed knowledge of the feel of the setting that he can then improvise within.
Quick shout out to the Gloranthan writers, initially Greg Stafford, then with Jeff and Sandy Peterson carrying on the torch to the next generation, MOB, himself and Nick Brooke, Harold Smith, David Dunham and Ken Rolston (and some others).
MOB also mentions David Hall, editor of Tales of the Reaching Moon, who kept Glorantha going in the fan space. Because that was done pre-Internet using papyrus and magic mailing tokens that leads to a segue into how much easier things are now, where Jeff can collaborate in real time with an artist in Bulgaria who he has never actually met to produce a comic that is then distributed at low cost all over the world. Jeff is looking forward to meeting Kalin in the flesh at Eternal Con in May however!

ETERNAL CON (16:05-21:15)
‘And where and what is Eternal Con’, asks MOB disingenuously and leadingly...
Eternal Con is the annual gaming convention taking place in a castle on the Rhine in Bacharach, Germany, near to where the term robber baron was invented. About very five miles there is a castle along the river and historically the lords would exact tolls. In fact, a couple of these castles are actually in the middle of the river itself, on islands, including Mouse Island,