The Summit Club Business Roundtable

The Summit Club Business Roundtable

Latest Episodes

007. Building High Performance Teams (Pt. 1)
September 20, 2019

High Performing Teams represent the true result of “synergy”, in that they prove over and over that it's possible that 1 + 1 = 3. Rick will be presenting specific elements of high performance to the Summit Club team (Bill, John N,

006. Sales Success
September 13, 2019

An assessment process and discussion that will help any sales person or sales leader clearly establish where they or their company is performing year to date, what a re-calibration might look like if necessary,

005. Customer Intimacy (Pt. 3 of 3)
August 20, 2019

Part III of the "Competitive Advantage” series where the Summit Club Team will be defining and discussing the third and last of the three value disciplines, “Customer Intimacy”.

004. Product Leadership (Pt. 2 of 3)
August 20, 2019

Part III of the “Competitive Advantage” series. Bill, John N, John T, and Rick will be defining and discussing the second of the three value disciplines: “Product Leadership”.

003. Operational Excellence (Pt. 1 of 3)
August 20, 2019

The Summit Club Team (Bill, John N, John T, and Rick) will be defining and discussing the first of the three value disciplines, “Operational Excellence” and will provide examples of companies that embrace that competitive advantage.

002. Pillars of Competitive Advantage (Intro to Three-Part Series)
August 20, 2019

Ever wonder how the “big dog companies” establish their value proposition? Our Summit Club team will present you with the strategies and concepts to identify and focus your company’s value proposition.

001 – An Introduction
July 29, 2019

Meet your guides for the ascent! Bill, John N, John T, and Rick briefly introduce themselves and share their experience and credentials that qualify them to guide you around and to the peaks.
