Summit For Wellness Podcast

Summit For Wellness Podcast

153- How to Reduce Anxiety and Mental Health Challenges with Carol Garner-Houston

July 01, 2021

The past 16+ months has been really challenging on everyone's mental health. You may have some feelings of anxiety or depression, but just know that you are not alone. Times like these are something none of us can mentally prepare for, which is why it is important to talk about your feelings and reach out for extra help if needed.One great company to reach out to for help is Brain Harmony. They utilize a lot of different tools to help people with anxiety and depression, and they get faster results than traditional therapy approaches.This episode is important to listen to, and share it with anyone you know who needs this support right now!What To Expect From This Episode

What neuroplastic tools are showing to be very helpful in mental health challenges

Why mental health challenges, like anxiety, are on the rise

How to reduce overload from all the stressful factors in lifeActionable ways to lessen anxiety starting right away

Shownotes* [0:00] Welcome to the Summit For Wellness Podcast* [3:30] Who is Carol Garner-Houston and what is her background* [5:30] What neuroplastic tools does Carol use at Brain Harmony* [9:45] The Safe and Sound Protocol uses sound frequencies to exercise the muscles in the inner ear* [14:00] With the neurofeedback tools, how do you assess whether it is working well or needs to be adjusted* [15:45] Why is anxiety rates increasing, and how much has that changed since the pandemic started* [19:30] Are we more open to talking about anxiety, or are we becoming more anxious as our species evolves* [27:00] The way we intake information now is so much different than previously. We are taking in way more information than we normally would which puts our brains on overdrive* [28:45] Current medical models push pharmaceutical drugs to reduce your anxiety but doesn't give you next steps on how to manage the anxiety* [30:45] What are some typical anxiety symptoms we should be aware of* [33:00] Kids are chronically lacking sleep which impacts their mental state* [34:45] Is there a safe age for children to start using technology or is it more about limiting their exposure each day* [37:00] Does Carol recommmend app blockers or anything to limit tech exposure* [39:30] Social media platforms are designed to keep you hooked and on their platform* [40:30] Carol Garner-Houston shares her final thoughts about anxiety and mental health challenges* [43:15] What is Carol's vision of what healthy looks like

Resources From This EpisodeSome of these resources may contain affiliate links, which provides a small commission to me (at no extra expense to you).* Get the Creating Calm During Chaos Guide

Transcript For Episode (Transcripts aren't even close to 100% Accurate)

Bryan Carroll: [00:00:14] since the world went into lockdowns, we have seen a huge increase in the rates of mental health conditions, which is expected when we are faced with novel situations that we've never been prepared.And it's totally okay to have anxiety or depression during times like this. However, when we start to fall into those type of mental blocks or mental situations, we should be looking for ways to get ourselves out of those situations. And lucky for us, there's a lot of help that is popping up to be able to help us help guide us through these situations.And so that we can start to see light at the end of the day. What's up everyone. I'm Bryan Carroll and I'm here to help people move more, eat well and be adventurous. And today I have Carol Garner Houston on the show to help us to figure out what we can do to. Get past all this anxiety and depression that we might be facing.Now, she works with a lot more than just anxiety, but we do cover a lot of that in this episode.
