Style With Intention Podcast
Latest Episodes
#20 - Plan To Make Your Past Something To Smile About
We're going to look at our lives from the perspective of our past - 20-30 years from now - and think about whether we are happy with how we lived. The biggest takeaways from this episode: Why it's never too late to make start making your past...
#19 - How To Give Up The Struggle and Just Be
Struggle and effort are not helping you get what you want. The faster, easier way to have what you really want is to get crystal clear about how it would feel to already have whatever it is that you want - and literally step into that feeling to bring...
#18 - Midlife - Let's Make It The New Prime
Midlife is a topic many of us would rather not think about - but I'm on a mission to make midlife the new "prime!" Today, I'm sharing why you should be excited about whatever's next for you and how you can make your life more the way you want it to...
#17 - Develop Deeper Adult Friendships With These 3 Qualities
Friendship is 100% voluntary - that's what makes it so wonderful! - and also the thing that pushes it lower on the priority list, when life gets busy. It seems like friendship should be easy at this point - but that's not always the case. Listen in to...
#16 - A Special Sleep Meditation
Sleep is essential to our happiness, but all too often – it can be elusive. Instead of tossing and turning tonight, I invite you to try something new. This unique sleep meditation will guide you into a restful, peaceful sleep, so you can fall asleep...
#15 - A Mindset Shift To Stop Feeling Deprived
Get out of your own way by transforming your “have to’s” into “get to’s” and start looking forward to what’s next for you. Click HERE to listen right now on iTunes! THE BIGGEST TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: Why...
#14 - Manifesting What You Really Want
* Manifesting * is simply the name we give to purposefully working with our subconscious mind to create the experiences we want to have in our conscious lives. Click HERE to listen right now on iTunes! THE BIGGEST TAKEAWAYS FROM...
Episode #10 - Slaying Your Personal Dragons And Living Your Ideal Life
All the choices you make either bring you closer to your ideal life or keep you from it. You may have to go through difficult things to get there, endure setbacks, and you may even have to face dragons. Here are the biggest takeaways...
Episode #9 - Being Vulnerable And Showing A Little Bit Of Ugly
Trying to appear “perfect” might feel safer, but being vulnerable and showing your whole self - and not caring what other people think - will actually draw other people closer to you. It’s true! Here are the biggest takeaways from...
Episode #8 - How To Intentionally Create Positive Personal Interactions
Choose what you want to experience by first deciding how you want to feel inside.