Strength In Business

Strength In Business

Latest Episodes

When Business Meets Spirituality
April 21, 2022

When profits, cash flow, success, obsession and pushing forward are the only buzzwords you hear around you, more often than not, you think youre on the right track. Are any of the above-mentioned nug

Decentralized Audio Podcasting with Aureal
March 24, 2022

Podcasting has taken the world by storm. Now, things are about to change radically, meaning hosts can take back their power by connecting their shows to decentralized blockchain-based platforms thus c

Metaverse: A Simulation Within the Simulation
February 17, 2022

While the vast majority of people is debating about the different nuances and flavors of the Metaverse being a Centra-Verse or a Decentra-Verse, fellow humans are relentlessly sucked into the vort

Choice Is An Illusion
January 20, 2022

Choice is an illusion. You already know what you have to do. Those of us working in the marketing realm more or less understand how profound this statement is when it comes to creating the illusion

When Marketing Worlds Drift Apart
December 20, 2021

There is a marketing world out there that operates based on trust, community, integrity, caring, sharing, friendship, kindness and love for fellow humans. This might sound far fetched and fairytale-li

Thinking Outside The Box
November 18, 2021

We live in a box, we drive to work in a box, we eat lunch from a box, we look the entire day into a box and we go to bed in a box only to repeat the whole process again the next day. This is how most

Your Mess Is Your Message
October 21, 2021

Who would have thought that what bothered me most in my corporate career will one day become the catalyst for my message on my entrepreneurial journey. In the beginning the road seemed a bit foggy but

Hope Is A Beggar
September 16, 2021

This is a time in history when it is not enough to simply hope; this is a time to know and more importantly, to know how. Its definitely a great time to invest in yourself because you are investing i

Decentralization in the Era of the Unknown
August 17, 2021

The constant push towards centralization raises some big questions and concerns whether this is a desirable path especially for smaller entities. Whereas big businesses can afford to play with conce

Business Lessons from the Inquisitive Mind
July 20, 2021

Are you tapping into the secrets unveiled to you by your inquisitive mind or do you keep this door closed afraid of unleashing your superhuman capabilities? Seeking the truth in business can be daunti