Strength In Business

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Your Life is a Battle with Your Mind
Who are we actually fooling in this 3D game of life? What goes on between your ears will determine pretty much the trajectory of your life. Your destiny is directly correlated with your decisions, the
When You Stop Looking for Shortcuts
The hunt for shortcuts has never been more absurd and yet there is this false belief accompanying these players that bathing in the illusion of skipping through the experience of the journey leads to
3 Powerful Books on Becoming Rich
There are quite a few very well written books on becoming rich one can find when going back into history but for me personally, there are three that stand out. Each one of the authors I will reveal to
Tips for Small Businesses Under 100k in Revenue
If you have a small business that generates less than 100k in revenue and youre trying to apply sophisticated techniques to your game plan imitating some bigger entities, you will most likely fail. T
When You Stop Writing for AI
Theres nothing wrong about adhering to search engine and big business rules on your quest to growing your company and making more money, however, if you want to connect with humans on a deeper level,
Not Doing What Clients Want
Clients arent as dumb as advertising agencies and marketing moguls consider them to be. When that sizzling of dishonesty and the rusty taste of that lack of integrity is left in the energetic field o
We Have No WiFi. Talk to Each Other.
Rather than ask the obvious question: Why did WiFi aka a piece of technology change our behavior? we should ponder and ask a better one: How can we reverse engineer behavioral patterns to better und
A Powerful Word in Business and Life
One might argue about the many words that make out the portfolio of a successful business, however theres unanimous consensus when it comes to putting this next term on the pedestal. The power derive
Build A Team of Executors Or Struggle
Finding executors who help you make your dreams come true are very rare. In the 20+ years that Ive been in business I noticed that its really hard to build teams who know how to implement. Its some
Power Up Your Talents
You come to this world with at least one talent. Which one it is remains for you to uncover. The quicker you find and unleash it, the smoother youll be able to navigate in life. Then there are those