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SFR 404: Not Found
February 08, 2017

–Betsy DeVos has been confirmed as Secretary of the Department of Education by the Senate, and people are angry. Why? Bobby explains why he is very much against this Trump nominee, and discusses his fears about the future of public … Continue

SFR 403: One Sick Minisode
February 02, 2017

–Because Bobby was sick this past Sunday, we are recording this Minisode late Wednesday night. But now Jason is sick too! —-Trump announces his nominee for the vacant Supreme Court seat, and it is the well-respected and conservative Neil Gorsu

SFR 402: And The Band Played On
January 22, 2017

–Bobby has another stinky cheese for us to sample and review. After our previous reactions to the very stinky limburger, and the much more pleasant aged cheddar, how will our palates appreciate Jasper Hill Farms’ harbison cheese? –Donald Trump

SFR 401: Stay Gold
January 15, 2017

–Continuing the stinky cheese series, this week we take a whiff of cheddar. But not just any cheddar: this stuff is ten years old! How stinky was it? How delicious? Could it top the limburger from last week? Find out! … Continue reading &#8594

SFR 400: An Unexpected Journey
January 08, 2017

–It’s our 400th episode of SFR, and we kick off the show with a new series in which we sample and review various stinky cheeses. First up: limburger.  We are surprised by its odor. –Four black suspects are being charged … Continue r

SFR 399: Killing Baby Hitler: The Minisode!
January 04, 2017

–We are back with another SFR Minisode before resuming regularly scheduled programming this coming Sunday, and again we play the theme song over Skype from Jason’s computer miles away from Bobby’s home studio.  We figure the crappy quali

SFR 398: An After Christmas Minisode
December 29, 2016

–It’s our first SFR Minisode! –We all sat here trying to enjoy the holidays while celebrities who have added value to our lives were dropping dead all around us, with Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, and George Michael being among the &#8

SFR 397: To the Victor
December 18, 2016

–We kick off the show with Jason receiving his Christmas gift from Bobby. –Bobby moves us forward with an enthusiastic review of Rogue One, which he loved beyond belief. Jason tries to keep him from spoiling too much for other … Continue

SFR 396: Cutty Black Sow
December 05, 2016

–An apparent ISIS sympathizer rams his car into people on the campus of Ohio State University, then exits the vehicle to begin attacking bystanders with a knife. Luckily, no innocent victims were killed, but a fast acting police officer was …

SFR 395: We Be Weird
November 27, 2016

–Christmas comes early as Jason brings Bobby his gift of a Lincoln coin and stamp collection. Bobby says Jason’s gift “hasn’t arrived yet,” and Jason takes a photo to remember this sad moment. –Getting back to the busin