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SFR 414: Smorgasbord
April 23, 2017

–We’ve been gone for two weeks, and there is a lot to catch up on. Let’s start with this: why did a couple of non-believers like us take Easter off? –Bobby recounts his trip the 40th anniversary Star Wars Celebration … Continue reading &

SFR 413: The Missiles Are Flying
April 09, 2017

–The U.S. launches 59 Tomahawk missiles at Syria airfield in retaliation for Assad’s chemical weapon attack on civilians earlier in the week. When Bobby first heard the news, he was concerned about Russia reacting and kicking off WW3, but now &#8230

SFR 412: Movie Party – The Burbs!
April 02, 2017

–Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn requests, but is denied, immunity in exchange for his testimony by the Senate Intelligence Committee. –Noam Chomsky thinks that, in an effort to maintain his popularity, Trump could soon create a

SFR 411: Directory Assistance
March 25, 2017

–Another Saturday night broadcast! This time, before we got together in-studio, we hit the bookstore for our first hangout in at least a few months. –President Trump, the great deal maker, the man who was going to fix Obamacare, and … Co

SFR 410: Chicken Riddle
March 19, 2017

–So much crazy Trump news this week! We almost don’t know where to begin. Do we start with the news that TrumpCare (or is it Weathcare?) is going to leave millions uninsured? Do we talk about Trump standing by this … Continue reading →

SFR 409: She’s Real Fine
March 12, 2017

–It’s a short notice late-night recording of Strange Frequencies Radio here on a Saturday. –This past Wednesday was International Women’s Day. Did everyone survive the “Day Without A Woman”? –Wikileaks releases “Vault 7,” a collection of

SFR 408: The Right to Not Be Offended
March 05, 2017

–Bobby recounts a story of how he was almost scammed by credit card phishers over the phone recently. –Attorney General Jeff Sessions is being accused of perjury for stating, during his confirmation hearings, that he “did not have communicatio

SFR 407: Saturday Night’s Alright For Podcasting
February 26, 2017

–We won’t be broadcasting Sunday because Bobby will be enjoying a birthday celebration with his family, so we’re going on-air late on a Saturday night. Bobby received a Bernie Sanders action figure from Jason, and they both just wish it … Cont

SFR 406: London Calling
February 19, 2017

–We met up with our buddy Tony from Chasing Midnight yesterday for a few fizzy drinks, some paranormal gab, and we learned to give more serious thought to vegetarianism. –Trump talk: National Security Adviser Michael Flynn resigns after concer

SFR 405: In the Dark
February 12, 2017

–President Trump’s travel ban has been shot down, we think rightly, but it may be only a matter of time before it is either rewritten as a new executive order, or ends up before the Supreme Court. –Anti-abortion protests have … Con