Story Led Marketing - Where the Magic Happens!

Story Led Marketing - Where the Magic Happens!

Latest Episodes

Why You Should Start Small to Grow Big – 011
May 23, 2019

I recently met with a business owner who wanted to find out more about sales funnels. When I met with them, they talked me through their business and told me that they were failing to get traction with the courses they were selling, and they thought...

How to Get Unstuck with Storytelling – 010
May 09, 2019

My life and business revolve around stories… in my downtime I love reading, watching and listening to them, and in my business, I tell, teach and write them. But it’s not just my life that stories impact… they underpin the fabric of all of our...

What Can Bad Jokes Teach Us About Successful Marketing? – 009
April 25, 2019

People’s attention is one of the most precious commodities around today, and that’s why knowing how to get it can make you very rich...and why your Facebook feed is filled with ads from people claiming they’ve found the secret!   After...

How to Avoid My Lead Magnet Mess Ups - 008
April 11, 2019

Building your email list is one of the most critical activities for business growth and lead magnets, or freebies can be amazing for accelerating results with your list building. The only trouble is that if you get the lead magnet wrong, it can be a...

Are You Throwing Away Your Time and Money? – 007
March 28, 2019

Again, and again I see people spending time and money to make their website look beautiful…agonising over each little detail to make sure it fully reflects them and their brand. Once that’s done, they think about traffic generation…they think...

Three Secrets to Standing Out in a Crowded Marketplace – 006
March 21, 2019

It is unlikely for most of us that we will be offering a product or service so unique that we will never have any competition. That means we have to find a way to make what we do stand out amongst our competition. The most obvious strategy that a lot...

Two Game Changing Marketing Discoveries (Part 1) – 001
February 03, 2019

Marketing isn’t easy, but it can be simpler. When I launched my first business, I took the traditional advice about what you need to do when you’re starting up, but it didn’t help me get what a new business… what any business needs… and that...