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Latest Episodes

Acts 5:17-29 We Must Obey God Rather than Men (Part 1) (Podcast)
April 21, 2016

In this podcast: - Two temptations that may come when God chooses to use  His power through us: (1) Pride can tempt believers through whom God is working. (2) Jealousy can tempt others. - Discussion of when (and when not) to use the label "false teac...

Acts 4:21-31 Courage to Stand–part 2 (Podcast)
April 05, 2016

These people had families just like we do! Yet, they did not pray, "Lord, please get us out of here!" They prayed, "Lord, give us boldness!" - We can learn so much from their example! - Stay in the Battle! - Steve

Acts 3:1-4:20 Courage to Stand (Podcast)
April 05, 2016

In Acts 3, God works a spectacular miracle of healing. Many more come into the kingdom. Religious leaders are furious. Christ-followers are full of boldness. - Christians of today can learn a lot about courage from their example! -

Luke 24 The Emmaus Road (podcast)
March 26, 2016

One of the most intriguing and exciting chapters of the Bible is Luke 24.  After Jesus opened the eyes of Cleopas and his friend, they were never the same. Our prayer: that He will open our eyes, as He did their eyes,  to see Him clearly,

Acts 2:42-47 What Kind of Church Are We? (Podcast)
March 24, 2016

In this study: - What are the minimum requirements for a group of people to be called a local church? - What are some of the characteristics of a church that would be considered excellent from God's perspective? -

Acts 2:14-41 Peter’s Pentecost Sermon (podcast)
March 24, 2016

In this study: - Why were the followers of Jesus accused of drunkenness? Examples of possibly genuine revivals being hijacked by uncontrolled behavior.  The Toronto Blessing. - The wonder of the Holy Spirit being poured out on all kinds of people.

Acts 1:6-11 Go in the Power of the Holy Spirit (podcast)
March 06, 2016

In this Study: - The Great Commission. What it means to start in Jerusalem.  How all of us must support foreign missions, but not all of us are to go. How some short term mission efforts cause grief on the mission field.

Acts 1:1-5 Baptized with the Holy Spirit (Podcast)
March 06, 2016

In this study: - Introduction to the book of Acts and to Dr. Luke. The unique relationship between Dr. Luke and the Apostle Paul. How the details of Luke's writing are confirmed by Archaeology. Testimony of Sir William Ramsay.

1 Peter 4:7 Disciplined Praying (Podcast)
March 03, 2016

"Be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers." (1 Peter 4:7) - Praying with discipline helps bind us together in times of adversity, suffering, and persecution. Learn what it means to pray in a self-controlled and sober-minded way...

Matthew 12:38-40 Three Days and Three Nights? (podcast)
February 23, 2016

Contents of this Study: - An overview of two different views of the time interval between Jesus' burial and His resurrection. Was it 36 hours? Or was it 72 hours? To find and subscribe to Steve’s podcasts on ITunes (all subscriptions are free):