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Latest Episodes

1 Samuel 12 For His Great Name’s Sake (part 1) (podcast)
July 09, 2016

In this study: An overview of 1 Samuel chapters 9, 10, and 11. An introduction to the man Saul Early prophecies and types that indicate God intended for Israel to have kings–but in His time, not theirs Israel’s earlier flirtation with kingship under Gi...

1 Samuel 2:12-3:13 Accountable (podcast)
July 07, 2016

In this study: The Problem with the way Eli dealt with Hophni and Phinehas The importance of spiritual accountability How our rebellion will not stop God The difference between proverbs and promises

1 Samuel 1:15-2:10 Hannah (Part 2) (Podcast)
June 06, 2016

In this study: Wisdom to know when to answer and when to keep silent. The importance of worshiping God before the answer comes. How to exult in God at the time of greatest sacrifice. Hannah’s song. The folly of pride.

1 Samuel 1:1-16 Hannah (Part 1)(Podcast)
June 06, 2016

In this Study: An overview of 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, and 1 & 2 Chronicles. Why God allowed men in the Old Testament to have multiple wives. How God often leaves the "why" questions unanswered, giving us opportunity to trust His wisdom.

Acts 9:41-43 Miracles (part 2) (podcast)
May 19, 2016

In this Podcast: The problem with staying with a tanner. - An examination of two schools of thought about miracles today. - Stay in the Battle! - Steve To find and subscribe to Steve’s podcasts on ITunes (all subscriptions are free):

Acts 9:32-43 Miracles (part 1) (Podcast)
May 19, 2016

In the last part of Acts 9 we find two spectacular miracles that God performed through the apostle Peter. We also find two people (Peter and Dorcas) who were busily being used by God to do what He put them on earth to do to bring glory to Himself. -

Acts 8:26-40 God’s Awesome Timing (Podcast)
May 07, 2016

In this Bible Study: - How God amazes us with His perfect timing in having Philip arrive at the chariot of this important Ethiopian Official  at the moment when he has just read the greatest passage in Scripture on the Substitutionary Atonement in ord...

Acts 7 & 8 The Spirit of Power at Work (Podcast)
May 07, 2016

In this study: - How God empowered Stephen to preach a sermon that brought great conviction. - How God used persecution to cause the gospel to go out to more people. Why the persecuted church often seems more effective at sharing the gospel than the ...

1 Peter 4:7-11(Part 2) Love Covers a Multitude of Sins (Podcast)
April 26, 2016

In this study: - What it means to "love earnestly." How love can cover a multitude of sins. - This is a Bible study recorded at McMinn Memorial Nursing Home on Saturday, April 23, 2016. - At the end of this podcast,

Acts 5:30-42 We Must Obey God Rather than Men (Part 2) (Podcast)
April 21, 2016

In this podcast: - The significance of Peter's choice of words, "by hanging Him on a tree." (Deuteronomy 21:22-23) - How repentance is a gift from God and cannot be made to happen by using sad stories or emotional appeals.