| Steppin' Out Radio

| Steppin' Out Radio

Latest Episodes

Meeting At The Meeting
August 17, 2017

Robert and Tish are an engaged couple who are both in recovery. They met while attending a twelve step meeting. Robert drank and drugged for 36 years. His family comes from cultures that embraced drinking alcohol.

Dad Smoked
August 17, 2017

Raoul is a 15 year-old young man in recovery. His favorite drug to use was marijuana. He began experiencing marijuana at three; he would get a contact high when his father smoked it around him.  At age 11, Raoul and his friend decided to get high by st...

Youngest Ever
August 16, 2017

Yoni’s first AA meeting was at age 13. He might just be the youngest person in recovery, ever. Yoni says his behavior was horrible as a young child, which he now thinks he did because he felt like a loner, that he never fit in.

Drinking Family
August 16, 2017

Pat grew up in a drinking family. Mom and Dad were always consuming alcohol, and at a very age he saw its destructive nature. He promised himself when he grew up he would never drink at home. And so when Pat did become of age,

DJ Meth
August 15, 2017

Bob’s use Crystal Meth stems from a desire to be accepted. He is the gay son of southern Baptist blue-collar military parents. They could not understand him, and Bob never felt as if he really belonged with his family. One day with his parents gone,

August 14, 2017

Adam never used drugs as a child due to a strange desire always be a “good kid.” But that desire soon gave way to a desire to “be bad.” Entering the college years, he and friends at nightclubs decide to take pills given to them by complete strangers.

Meth Everywhere
August 13, 2017

Pablo started doing drugs at age 12 with his older brother. He liked hanging out with the older kids, as it made him feel part of a crowd. He used marijuana and moved on to abusing prescription pills. When away from home for the first time at college,

Twenty-Five Years
August 12, 2017

Dorothy has been sober for 25 years, but even today she’ll tell you she is an alcoholic. Her first drink came at age 16 when out to dinner with her friends’ family. Her friend’s family ordered champagne cocktails with little sugar cubes in the glass.

Drunk Fireman
August 11, 2017

Rick is one of seven kids. Rick’s two sisters are not addicts. His three brothers, however, are. Two have already died due to alcoholism. His sole remaining brother, like himself, is now sober. His first drinks came by way of an adult friend when Rick ...

Alcohol Killed Mom
August 10, 2017

Maggie’s first experience with alcoholism was when she was a child. Her own mother died of alcohol-related illnesses at the age of 27. The family preferred to she died of “tuberculosis.” Maggie thinks her own alcoholism stems from her mother’s disease....