| Steppin' Out Radio

| Steppin' Out Radio

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Waiting For The Miracle
August 27, 2017

Brian has been in and out of recovery. His first drink came in high school and his first taste of sobriety came at age 26, but he always found himself back in glass, drinking his life away. Brian says his sobriety was empty, unmeaningful,

A Fifth A Day
August 26, 2017

Jerry grew up in a Midwestern, fundamentalist family. There was no alcohol in his family growing up, but was drawn to alcohol. Upon coming of age, he drank in order o get drunk. He also experimented with marijuana, LSD and other drugs.

Meth Parents
August 25, 2017

Nicki first used methamphetamine at age 13.  She was no stranger to drug use, having smoked pot since age 11 and drinking since age 12.  But from age 13, her life spiraled out of control through drug use sparked by her use of meth; she did other drugs ...

Small Town Meth
August 24, 2017

Judy began abusing substances early.  Growing up in small town in Iowa, her first drink came at age 11, and was blacking out in high school.  She would drink, smoke marijuana and drop acid.  It caused her to feel guilty and ashamed, and to cope,

Eating For Praise
August 23, 2017

Joe comes from a background of food.  His Italian family revolved around meals; the grocery shopping, the preparation, and the family gathering around the table.  His very large extended family regularly engorged themselves at Sunday dinners.

Grandma Said I Was Fat
August 22, 2017

Jill’s life focused daily on how much she felt she should or should not be eating, and how her diet would affect her body size. She would worry constantly that if she ate just a bit too much at one meal, she would get fat; she would refrain from eating...

Wrong Injection
August 21, 2017

Joanne thinks her alcoholism began at age 12 or 13. She grew in a small town where she and her friends had easy access to beer. She was, however, fearful of becoming an alcoholic because one of her parents was a drinker and she never wanted to end up l...

Blacking Out History
August 20, 2017

Bill is an alcoholic. Both sides of his family were filled with drinkers, but Bill grew up a successful young man. He went to college on scholarship and even while at school never touched alcohol. His first drink didn’t come until the age of 22.

Filling Up With Food
August 19, 2017

As a child, Sue didn’t know her desire to eat certain foods was an illness. Sue remembers hovering around candy dishes, and taking way more than her share of special holiday treats. Much like other addicts, Sue tried to keep up appearances.

Sugary Sobriety
August 18, 2017

Claire is a food addict, which she says is a bit different from being a “Overeater.”  They are not overeaters, often, but they use food and its ingredients as a drug. Claire says anything floury would relieve her stress, give her confidence,