Startup Selling: Talking Sales with Scott Sambucci

Startup Selling: Talking Sales with Scott Sambucci

Latest Episodes

Go Farther Episode #21: Implementing = Learning
July 11, 2024

In this episode, Scott Sambucci delves into the concept of "implementing equals learning," underscoring the importance of experimenting with new strategies in sales. Drawing parallels from his ultra-r

Go Farther Episode #20: Relentless Forward Progress – Patience, Persistence & Perseverance at the 2024 Western States 100
July 04, 2024

In this episode, Scott Sambucci explores the theme of "relentless forward progress" through the inspiring story of Patrick, a runner in the Western States 100 race. Scott delves into the key elements

Go Farther Episode #19: Train Harder Than Your Race – Do the Work
June 27, 2024

In this episode, Scott Sambucci explores the importance of making hard tasks routine to achieve success, sharing insights drawn from his experiences as an ultra-runner. Scott discusses key strategies

Go Farther Episode #18: Put Yourself First
June 20, 2024

In this episode, Scott delves into the importance of putting yourself first to achieve your best in every aspect of life. He explores how setting goals, like training for an ultra marathon, can sharpe

Go Farther Episode #17: Keeping Consistent – Motivation vs Discipline
June 15, 2024

In this episode, Scott and Stephen discussed the critical importance of consistency and the distinction between discipline and motivation. Discipline gets things done whether you feel like it or not,

Go Farther Episode #16: You are not alone - Why we do this
June 06, 2024

Go Farther Episode #16: You are not alone - Why we do this In this episode, we had a genuine human-to-human conversation. As entrepreneurs, we're often expected to wear a mask or a Superman cape, bu

Go Farther Episode #15: Find a Coach
May 30, 2024

In this episode, Scott Sambucci emphasizes the critical role of having a coach, sharing examples of renowned coaches and their impact on top performers. He discusses his personal experiences with coac

Go Farther Episode #14: 9 Travel Tips from London
May 23, 2024

In this episode, Scott Sambucci discusses the importance of making the most of unexpected downtime, managing schedules effectively, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while traveling to maximize prod

Go Farther Episode #13: What’s Your Box of Awesome?
May 16, 2024

In this episode, Scott Sambucci sits down with Dan Waldschmidt, a best-selling author, motivational speaker, and business strategist, to explore the application of Dan's EDGY Framework to the life of

Go Farther Episode #12: Automate Decisions
May 09, 2024

In this episode, Scott discusses the benefits of automating decisions to maintain discipline and productivity in both personal and professional settings. He emphasizes the importance of time blocking